Travel and Leisure Asia | Hong Kong Just another Travel + Leisure India Sites site Thu, 07 Dec 2023 07:00:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 and Leisure Asia | Hong Kong 32 32 Astro-Wanderlust: Your Zodiac-Inspired Travel Guide For 2024 to travel in 2024

Exploring new places while letting our innate adventurous spirit take over may not be second nature for all the zodiac signs. Astrologically speaking, the inspiration to move around and travel is influenced by the current positions of stars and planets. Regardless of the astrological sign, everyone will feel the need to take a break at some point in 2024. Our list of international destinations explores the perfect places to travel to in 2024, based on your zodiac sign.

Where you should travel to in 2024, based on your zodiac sign

Aries (March 21-April 19): Phuket

places to travel in 2024
Image credit: Valeriy Ryasnyanskiy/Unsplash

Diverse and breathtakingly beautiful, the forever sunny golden island of Phuket in Thailand is one of the best places to travel to for the fiery Arians, who like to pause and play in their lives from time to time. The ram, symbolising Aries, has always been the most spontaneous of all signs. Phuket perfectly matches this fiery energy and offers them an action-packed trip complete with a plethora of experiences to choose from. The tropical climate adequately suits their sunny disposition.

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Taurus (April 20-May 20): Zurich

places to travel in 2024
Image credit: Marco Meyer/Unsplash

One of the fanciest places to travel to on earth, Zurich in Switzerland is a perfect 2024 hotspot for the indulgent zodiac sign of Taurus. The earth sign, denoted by a celestial bull, is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and money. This explains their expensive taste in life, which is reflected in their travel habits too. The snow-capped mountains, natural beauty and luxury hotels of this place will soothe their souls.

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Gemini (May 21-June 20): Vietnam

places to travel in 2024
Image credit: Ruslan Bardash/Unsplash

Symbolised by the twins, Gemini is an air sign representing duality in the zodiac chart. Geminis are vivacious, flirty, social and always in search of new experiences. Vietnam will be the go-to place for them to visit in 2024 because it offers gorgeous mountains, vast lands of paddy fields, a UNESCO World Heritage site and vibrant cuisine to tickle their tastebuds.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22): Havelock Island

places to travel in 2024
Image credit: Payal Vaghasiya/Unsplash

Yet another South Asian wonder, the Havelock Island in the Andamans is famous for its pristine beaches, which have remained somewhat untouched by humans. The island also provides the best diving experiences for visitors. This crustacean water sign likes to escape and hibernate away from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, and therefore, they would be perfectly at home at this destination complete with exotic marine life and luxury resorts.

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Leo (July 23-August 22): Birmingham

travel zodiac 2024
Image credit: Gabriel McCallin/Unsplash

The second-largest city in Britain, Birmingham has a rich heritage with majestic architecture, including historic monuments and new-age buildings. It also is famous for its local cuisine and shopping experiences. The royal sign of Leo would love to explore Birmingham, as they love everything on a grand scale. Contemporary art, world-class restaurants and charming new hotels make this a must-visit place for the Leos.

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Virgo (August 23-September 22): Kashmir

places to travel in 2024
Image credit: Praneet Kumar/Unsplash

Kashmir is called the heaven on earth and is arguably the most beautiful place in India. Its lush valleys, snow-laden mountains, and famous shikaras on the world-famous Dal Lake are on the bucket list of global travellers. The earth sign of Virgo seeks perfection in every aspect of life, and planning a holiday is no different for them. They would enjoy conceptualising and executing their trip to this breathtaking destination as it will give them the scope to carve out a perfect vacation for themselves and their loved ones.

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Libra (September 23-October 22): Barcelona

Image credit: Leyre/Unsplash

Primarily known for its famous football club, Barcelona is an exciting place to be as travellers are spoiled here with versatile dining and party scenes. But the fun does not end here, for this city is also home to some of the best museums and beautiful natural sights in the world. The Venusian air sign of Libra, denoted by the weighing scale, craves such a perfect balance.

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Scorpio (October 23-November 21): Kyrgyzstan

central asia
Image credit: Oziel Gómez/Unsplash

Scorpio, represented by the scorpion, is one of the most misunderstood zodiac signs because of their intensity, passion and slightly dark outlook towards life. They are ruled by Pluto, the planet of darkness, destruction and rebirth. Because of their inherent traits, Scorpios tend to choose off-beat destinations, and Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia is sure to stimulate their intelligent and intuitive senses. The place is full of old bazaars, architecture influenced by Russian colonisation, and a unique dining scene.

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Sagittarius (November 22-December 21): Masai Mara

travel zodiac 2024
Image credit: Michael Rodock/Unsplash

Masai Mara is an African wonderland, perfect for adventure-seekers who are genuine explorers, always bitten by a wanderlust bug. Sagittarius is symbolised by an archer and is the most thrill-seeking sign on the zodiac wheel because it is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of travel. Sagittarians would love to experience the wildlife safaris at its National Park and to be one with the animal kingdom.

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Capricorn (December 22-January 19): Austria

places to travel in 2024
Image credit: Joss Woodhead/Unsplash

Austria is known for its awe-inspiring nature, grand ballet and opera venues, and palaces on beautiful gardens. Captured on the big screen and popular for its stunning views, this destination, and not just its capital city, Vienna, is one of the most scenic places to travel to in Europe in 2024. Capricorn is a sign denoted by the sea goat and ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline. After working hard and focusing on their duties, Capricorns need a break to let themselves loose, relax and unwind. There is no better destination than Austria, which could offer them all this and more.

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Aquarius (January 20-February 18): The Amazon

Image credit: David Riaño Cortés/Pexels

The main Aquarian trait is to be humanitarian, progressive and giving towards the community. The greatest and densest forest on the planet is the perfect playground for this intelligent air sign. Unlike the other two air signs, Gemini and Libra, Aquarius does not like to mingle with people as it is more comfortable introspecting alone. Hence, the Brazilian Ecuadorian forest is the perfect place for this zodiac sign to travel to in 2024.

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Pisces (February 19-March 20): Phi Phi Islands

phi phi
Image credit: Dan Voican/Pexels

Meditative, calm and peaceful, the last zodiac sign is Pisces, denoted by the twin fish swimming in opposite directions. Often accused of being slightly cut off from reality, they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and fantasies. The Phi Phi Islands in Thailand provide the fish a much-needed break from routine as they immerse themselves in the clear blue waters here.

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(Hero and featured image credit: Kelsey Knight/Unsplash)

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Starlit Escapes In India: Uncover Ideal Travel Destinations For 2024 With Zodiac Insights to visit as per zodiac sign 2024

Have you ever wondered why the wanderlust bug seems to bite some people often, prompting them to move around more than others? While some of us prefer to adhere to our routines and unwind in the comfort of our homes with loved ones, astrology suggests that your big three – the Sun sign, the moon sign and the rising sign – play a significant role in ascertaining whether you are an adventurous spirit or prefer to stay homebound. Let insights from astrology guide you to your ideal destination. Here are some places to visit based on your zodiac sign in 2024.

Zodiac wonders: How astrological elements shape your travel choices

All 12 zodiac signs are divided into four elements: earth, fire, water and air, with core characteristics formed based on these elements. For example, earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are stable and grounded in their approach. They prefer to play it safe, even when it comes to their travel choices, and opt for locations that are tried and tested.

Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) are impulsive and easily excitable. Their love for exploration and experimentation is reflected in the way they travel, with a thrill-seeking temperament that leads them to action-packed travel schedules.

Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are intelligent souls who love to contemplate and socialise. They prefer destinations that allow them to explore art and culture, providing food for their brains. They are more likely to embark on a road trip than follow a guided tour.

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) are emotionally deep, contemplative and intense of all zodiacs. They often take a path less travelled, seeking peace and calm. Slow travel is their thing, and they are often seen choosing meditative retreats.

2024 travel: The ideal places to visit based on zodiac

Aries (21 March-19 April): Shillong

 Places to visit as per zodiac sign 2024
Image credit: Rasheda Akter/Unsplash

Bold, courageous and confident, this fire sign, symbolised by the ram, will love to explore the unchartered territories of northeast India. The lush greenery, rich wildlife, exotic cuisine and the culture of Shillong are alluring to this spontaneous and enterprising sign. Not surprisingly, this historically rich modern town in Meghalaya is on the bucket list of many Arians.

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Taurus (20 April-20 May): Darjeeling

Places to visit as per zodiac sign 2024
Image: Courtesy of Joy Amed/Unsplash

Charming, quiet, collected and consistent, Taurus (an earth sign) symbolised by the bull is deeply rooted in reality but also wants to indulge in worldly pleasures. Darjeeling, a fan-favourite hill station known for its verdant tea gardens, quaint cafes, sublime weather, and, of course, the majestic Eastern Himalayas, is the dream-come-true destination for this luxury-loving sign.

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Gemini (21 May-20 June): Mumbai

places to visit as per zodiac
Image credit: Renzo D’souza/Unsplash

A bustling metropolis and the financial capital of India, Mumbai has many cities in one. From the colonial architecture of South Mumbai to the happening nightlife of Western suburbs, there is much that this air sign, denoted by the twins, can choose from. With beaches, trendy cafes, museums and a vibrant street food scene, this curious and social sign would be spoiled for choice!

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Cancer (21 June-22 July): Andamans

zodiac travel
Image credit: Deepak Kumar/Unsplash

Remote and cut off from the mainland, the exotic islands of Andamans are perfect for the emotional water sign of Cancer, denoted by the crab. Here’s why: this crustacean sign is ruled by the moon, which is why it is very sentimental and an overthinker. They are not necessarily travel-oriented, but when they do travel, they seek peace and calm. Crabs are generally inclined towards going to places that are away from the hustle and bustle of human civilisation. The Andamans tick all these boxes perfectly well.

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Leo (23 July-22 August): Jaipur

places to visit as per zodiac
Image credit: Aditya Siva/Unsplash

Royal in stature and large-hearted in dealings with the world, this sign could be called the king or queen of the zodiac. This optimistic fire sign is symbolised by the sun and is, therefore, very self-assured. They want to make everything grand, and what better way for them to celebrate this spirit than to spend a holiday in the Rajput palaces of Jaipur in Rajasthan?

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Virgo (23 August-22 September): Ajanta caves

zodiac travel
Image credit: Aman.arch/ CC BY-SA 4.0/ Wikimedia Commons

This UNESCO World Heritage site boasts Buddhist caves dating from the first and second centuries BCE to the fifth and sixth centuries AD. Awe-inspiring and beautiful, this national treasure will impress the fastidious earth sign of Virgo. Symbolised by the maiden or the virgin, Virgos are detail-oriented and very organised, making these man-made wonders catch their meticulous eye.

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Also read – 2024 Wanderlust: Must-Visit Destinations In India For Your Travel Wishlist

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Libra (23 September-22 October): Pune

Places to visit as per zodiac sign 2024
Image credit: Abhishek Gaikwad/Unsplash

If Mumbai is New York, then Pune could be the Los Angeles of Maharashtra. Historic, cultured and peppered with royal influences from the Peshwa rule, this city is perfect for the artistic, stylish and well-rounded personality of this air sign.

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Scorpio (23 October-21 November): Spiti Valley

zodiac travel
Image credit: Anmol Arora/Unsplash

This gorgeous region of the Trans-Himalayan mountain ranges serves as the best backdrop for this intense water sign to explore. Scorpio, symbolised by a scorpion, often chooses an off-beat destination that is challenging in terms of its crisp mountain air, topography, and fewer tourists. This region with snowy mountains matches well with its reclusive but intuitive and passionate nature.

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Sagittarius (22 November-21 December): Goa

Image credit: Sumit Sourav/Unsplash

This fire sign, symbolised by the archer, has Jupiter as its ruling planet, representing adventure. No surprises here; Sagittarius is the most thrill-seeking sign in the zodiac. Outgoing and fond of parties, Goa, the party capital of the world, offers myriad experiences, from casinos to quiet beaches: The sky is the limit here!

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Capricorn (22 December-19 January): Agra

Image credit: Jovyn Chamb/Unsplash

One automatically thinks of the Taj Mahal with the mention of Agra. This city steeped in Mughal history and culture has a lot to offer to the knowledge-seeking, disciplined mind of this earth sign, symbolised by the sea goat. Capricorns would be fascinated with the tombs, forts, mausoleums, and markets of this old city. Agra is, therefore, one of the best places to visit in 2024 based on the zodiac.

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Aquarius (20 January-18 February): Kashmir

Image credit: Praneet Kumar/Unsplash

Aquarius, an air sign denoted by the symbol of a water bearer, is the most forward-thinking, progressive and community-oriented of all the sun signs. The breathtaking landscapes of Kashmir are perfect for them, as they can immerse themselves in the rich culture of this place, also known as the heaven on earth!

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Pisces (19 February-20 March): Kerala

Image credit: Nature Photographer/Unsplash

The last of all zodiacs, this one sign is calm, peaceful, collected and very meditative. Pisces, a water sign, dislikes confrontation and is often more inclined towards finding a spiritual retreat to unwind. Kerala, with its backwaters and Ayurvedic camps, offers everything that a true-blue Piscean needs to enjoy a holiday.

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(Feature Image Credit: Ibrahim Rifath/Unsplash)

Related: Journeying Through The Zodiac: What Your Sun Sign Says About Your Travel Preferences

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-Why should we consider zodiac signs before travelling?

Astrology and travel go hand in hand through a practice known as astrography. This approach aligns individuals with their lucky places based on their zodiac signs and birth charts. By charting your journey according to your zodiac, you can pinpoint destinations that resonate with your soul and fulfil your expectations. Explore the places to visit based on your zodiac sign in 2024 for a truly personalised travel experience.

-How to plan a family travel according to zodiac signs?

When planning family travel, consider destinations that cater to the interests of each zodiac sign within the group. Choosing a place that offers something for everyone ensures a harmonious and enjoyable experience for the entire family.

-What are the best road trips to take based on zodiac signs?

For the adventurous souls of Sagittarius, Gemini, and Aries, road trips beckon across the country. Travel to enchanting places like Ladakh, Gokarna, Goa, and Pondicherry is sure to captivate their free-spirited nature, based on zodiac signs.

-What are the most adventurous destinations aligned with zodiac signs?

Explore the adventurous side of India in Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Gulmarg, Tarkarli, Kolad, and Coorg. These places offer thrilling activities suitable for all zodiac signs, creating memorable adventures for every traveller who visits.

-What are the best honeymoon destinations based on zodiac signs?

Embark on a romantic journey to honeymoon places tailored to zodiac signs. From the enchanting beauty of Kashmir to the royal charm of Rajasthan, the serene landscapes of Mysore, Ooty, and Coonoor, or the tropical allure of Kerala, these places promise a magical start to marital bliss.

Cosmic Unions: Picking The Perfect Wedding Destination Based On Your Zodiac Sign wedding zodiac

Starting the journey of a lifetime with your beloved deserves a setting as unique and extraordinary as your love story. And what if the stars could guide you to the perfect wedding destination, tailored to the essence of your zodiac sign?

They say marriages are made in heaven, but it is up to us to find our soulmate and, if lucky, get married to them. Because destiny plays such a significant role in meeting ‘the one’, love and luck go hand in hand. It is believed that planetary positions and lines on one’s birth chart predict one’s love life and marriage. Just like time, the place or location of the native plays a crucial role in bringing them closer to the love of their life. Planning to take one step further and opt for a destination wedding? Let your zodiac sign guide you through the enchanting possibilities that align the stars with your dream wedding destination.

How do zodiac signs influence your wedding destinations?

destination wedding zodiac
Image credit: Amish Thakkar/Unsplash

A deep dive into the realm of travel astrology reveals that every location carries its unique energy or vibration, impacting individuals positively or negatively. Astrology suggests that relocating can alter a person’s destiny, potentially leading them to meet their soulmate, marry and settle down if the new location aligns with their progress and well-being.

Choosing a particular destination for the wedding is believed to guarantee a ‘happily ever after’ for the couple. While the natal chart can accurately indicate the ideal wedding location, examining the zodiac signs is an excellent starting point.

Each zodiac possesses specific traits based on its ruling planets, elements and interactions with other signs. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are rooted in the practical world, often opting for grand celebrations on their wedding day. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), on the other hand, are more emotional, choosing a destination with sentimental value for themselves and their partners. And fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) embrace the moment, exuding spontaneity and fun. They closely follow trends and want their wedding day to be the talk of the town!

Wedding destinations based on your zodiac sign

Aries – Las Vegas

wedding zodiac
Image credit: Pixabay/Pexels

Nothing screams Aries more than Vegas! With its luxury hotels, brightly lit streets and flamboyant casinos, it’s Vegas, baby! This fire sign, ruled by the ram, lives by the philosophy: Go big or go home. Their vibrant energy matches perfectly with this flashy city, making it an ideal destination to exchange vows.

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Taurus – Lake Como

wedding zodiac
Image credit: Gil Garza/Pexels

Tranquil, unhurried and away from urban hustle and bustle, Lake Como in Italy is the perfect place for the indulgent Taureans to get married. Ruled by the planet of love and money, Venus, this sign loves to splurge on everything luxe, so why should their wedding ceremony be any different? This earth sign, denoted by the celestial bull, appreciates exclusive and exquisite experiences and would prefer to walk down the aisle in this dreamy European lakeside town.

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Gemini – Goa

Image credit: Asad Photo/Pexels

Adventurous and full of colourful ideas, Gemini, an air sign denoted by the twins, is ruled by the planet of communication, Mercury. Branded as social butterflies of the zodiac, Geminis are curious explorers who want to experience everything life has to offer. Why shouldn’t their wedding have this vibrant vibe? The coast of Goa in Maharashtra, India, known for its sun, sand, surf, and seafood, offers the perfect canvas for their fun-filled beach wedding activities.

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Cancer – Maldives

wedding zodiac
Image credit: Asad Photo/Pexels

This Crustacean sign cherishes domesticity and is the most sensitive, empathetic and romantic of all signs. Craving emotional intimacy from their partner, Cancers aren’t fans of flamboyance when it comes to celebrating their weddings. The crabs like to keep it private, making the emerald-green island of Maldives the ideal destination for their special day.

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Leo – Udaipur

destination wedding
Image credit: Sohan Rayguru/Pexels

Royal and aristocratic in their bearing, Leos, a fire sign denoted by the lion, love attention and adore exuberance. Ruled by the sun, they are beacons of positivity and want to make sure that everyone around them has a good time. Thanks to their regal disposition, the palace of Udaipur seems to be best suited for them to get married.

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Virgo – Venice

Image credit: Pixabay/Pexels

This marble city built on a lagoon in Europe is sure to impress the fastidious and detail-oriented earth sign denoted by the virgin or maiden. Governed by Mercury, Virgos are careful communicators who plan meticulously. They would go to any length to make sure they have a perfect wedding, and Venice provides the enchanting backdrop for their meticulous celebrations.

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Libra – Paris

Image credit: Dimitri Kuliuk/Pexels

This Venusian sign loves everything romantic, beautiful and stylish. Paris, the capital of love, serves as the perfect backdrop for Librans to celebrate togetherness. Symbolised by a weighing scale, this air sign likes to wear its heart on its sleeve, and this stylish city offers them an opportunity to do just that and have a dream wedding!

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Scorpio – Morocco

Image credit: Louis Hansel/Pexels

This water sign always tends to aim for the unconventional. Unafraid to go against the tide and often a trendsetter rather than a follower, Scorpios, while misunderstood for their intensity, are loyalists who would go to any lengths for their love. This ancient African city, with its epic history and rich topography, serves as an offbeat but great destination for the Scorpion to get married.

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Sagittarius – Cape Town

wedding zodiac
Image credit: Tobias Reich/Unsplash

This naturally bountiful location offers adventure and is a melting pot of cultures, exciting the thrill-seeking mind of this fire sign. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarians are inherently bitten by the travel bug and hate stagnation. Cape Town is the happiest, sunniest place for them to say ‘I Do’.

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Capricorn – London

wedding destination zodiac
Image credit: Samuel Wölfl/Pexels

The capital of art, culture and diversity, London is one of the greatest cities in the world. It can serve as a great destination for this serious earth sign ruled by the planet of rules and regulation, Saturn. They like to keep things in order and are very disciplined in all aspects of life. Hence, this historic and royal destination is well-suited to their needs.

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Aquarius – Koh Samui

wedding travel
Image credit: Oleksandr P/Pexels

The last of the air signs, Aquarius is one of the most intelligent of all signs. They love to think about the community more than just themselves and are selfless and pragmatic in their disposition. Koh Samui in Thailand offers them a chance to have a green celebration closer to nature with the local community of this island.

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Pisces – Munnar

wedding zodiac
Image credit: Harsh Sutar/Pexels

Peaceful, meditative and a little detached from reality, Pisces, denoted by the twin fish, is always in a state of zen. Nothing compares to the tranquil beauty of the backwaters in Munnar, Kerala. Gorgeous sunsets, green vistas and azure waters form a perfect backdrop for this sign to walk down the aisle.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-Is it essential to follow my zodiac sign when selecting a wedding destination?

Though not necessary, it is helpful to look at your zodiac sign while deciding on a wedding destination, as it will affect you positively and ensure that you get that happily ever after!

-Can you provide examples of destination wedding locations based on zodiac signs?

Aries are likely to choose a more vibrant place like Las Vegas due to their fiery and passionate disposition, Cancerians tend to go for something peaceful like The Maldives, while Leos prefer something flamboyant like Paris. 

-How can I determine my ideal destination wedding location based on my zodiac sign?

Checking your zodiac sign is the first thing you can do if you want to take some inputs from astrology to plan your wedding. The element governing your sun sign, its ruling planet and general disposition could help you decide on a wedding destination. 

-Are there specific locations that are universally recommended for certain zodiac signs?

While astrology broadly suggests certain destinations based on personality traits associated with zodiac signs, there are no universally recommended places.

-What if my partner’s zodiac sign and mine suggest different destination locations?

In such cases, multiple options are typically provided for the ideal wedding destination. Partners can collaboratively choose a few common places based on the compatibility indicated by their horoscopes.

-Is it just about the wedding venue, or can zodiac signs influence other wedding choices, such as colours and themes?

Certainly. Each zodiac sign is associated with a lucky colour, gemstone, and more. Considering zodiac signs can play a role in deciding wedding themes and colours.

-Are there any specific zodiac signs that are considered particularly compatible for destination weddings?

Sagittarius and Gemini could be deemed highly compatible for destination weddings. Sagittarius, a fire sign ruled by the adventurous planet Jupiter, pairs well with Gemini, the social butterfly known for curiosity and a spirit of exploration.

Related: 7 Ski Destinations Perfect For A Romantic Winter Getaway

(Hero and featured image credit: Christian Diaz/Unsplash)

Stars, Signs And Romance: Navigating Love On Your Holiday With Travel Astrology astrology

If you have always dreamt of finding your love and life partner while travelling, here are a few travel astrology signs to look for in your natal chart, considering your birth date and time.

Astocartography is a branch that specialises in relocation or travel astrology. It is believed that every place has a distinct vibration, and it influences an individual’s love life, luck and fortune. The birth chart of a person serves as a tool to decipher their future, and the lines on it can be used to predict whether they will be lucky in love or if they will venture abroad for studies or settlement.

Travel astrology and love

astrology for travel
Image credit: Timo Stern/Unsplash

Travel and love share a strong connection and often go hand in hand. Popular culture has made it aspirational to fall in love with someone special or to connect with a foreigner while travelling. Though this idea seems appealing, it is difficult to sustain a holiday romance. Having said that, some people are destined to meet their life partners in the unlikeliest of circumstances or places.

In astrology, Venus, associated with love and money, plays a critical role in understanding one’s romantic life. The position of Jupiter is also important in determining if one will find love while travelling. This planet denotes adventure, thrill and personal growth. The celestial luminaries in a birth chart should not be overlooked either, as the sun is believed to bring positivity, while the moon rules the inner thoughts and emotions of a person.

Your sun sign is also important in determining whether you will find love while travelling or not. For example, the fire sign of Sagittarius is typically associated with travel and is, therefore, more likely to find love while away from home, according to travel astrology.

Travel Astrology: Signs you will find love while travelling

Venus and the ninth house

travel zodiac signs
Image credit: Alberto Ramírez Sobrino/Pexels

The ninth house in one’s natal chart signifies travel and is crucial to understanding matters related to it. If Venus is placed in the ninth house, it is a strong indicator that you’re likely to find the love of your life while travelling or your partner may hail from a faraway land. This placement also indicates higher education, meaning you might meet someone special when studying abroad.

This placement symbolises that your partner would likely have a stable income and may work in sectors like technology, law or politics.

The seventh and the ninth house

The seventh house rules relationships, while the ninth house pertains to travel. If you want to determine whether you will have a long-term connection with the partner you are destined to meet while touring, you need to examine the aspects between these two houses. The ruling planets of both houses and the angles at which they are positioned from each other will determine the kind of relationship you are likely to have.

In astrology, there are five major aspects: conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition. If you find a sextile or trine aspect between the ruling planets of these two houses, it’s a positive indication of a long-term, happy partnership with the person you meet during your travels.

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Venus, Jupiter and Mars

travel astrology
Image credit: ZCH/Pexels

If Venus and Jupiter are placed together in the 11th and 15th houses, it means luck in the travel and love sector for the individual. Additionally, having Jupiter in the seventh house is considered auspicious for those looking for romance while travelling.

Mars, associated with sexual desire and aggression, takes on particular significance in the ninth house of the birth chart. If Mars is positioned there, it strongly suggests the likelihood of forming a romantic connection while travelling.

The moon and the sun

Individuals with their moon sign as the dreamy and meditative fish, Pisces are said to be very lucky in matters of love. It indicates that their emotional world is ruled by Neptune (the planet of dreams and desires) and Jupiter (the planet of adventure), increasing the chances of falling in love while moving around or vacationing.

Similarly, having the sun in the ninth house also indicates a high probability of the individual falling in love with someone while away from home.

(Hero and featured image credit:  Karsten Winegeart/Unsplash)

Related: Who Is Your Ultimate Travel Partner As Per Zodiac For A Romantic Holiday?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– What are the best places to meet potential partners while travelling?
Tourist-friendly places, like London, Paris, Italy and Las Vegas, are great to meet new people.

– How can I stay safe while dating during my travels?
Using safety apps and always informing your friends and family about your whereabouts can help ensure your safety while dating on the go.

– What are the advantages of finding love while travelling?
Building a connection while travelling is great because it allows you to open up to your love interest without preconceived notions or reservations. Moreover, both partners can continue to explore new adventures by travelling together in a relationship.

– How can I make a long-distance relationship work if I meet someone while travelling?
Maintaining a successful long-distance relationship requires commitment, patience and open communication from both parties. Keeping the lines of communication open is essential.

– Are there any cultural considerations I should be aware of when dating someone from a different country while travelling?
Cultural differences can be a point of contention, but these can be resolved through managing expectations and maintaining open communication with each other.

– What if I’m not looking for a serious relationship while travelling, but still want to meet people and have fun?
It’s important to communicate your intentions clearly with your potential partner before proceeding with your plans.

– Can finding love while travelling lead to a lasting and meaningful relationship?
Yes, finding love while travelling can indeed lead to a lasting relationship, especially if it’s destined to be.

Journeying Through The Zodiac: What Your Sun Sign Says About Your Travel Preferences as per sun sign

Travel astrology, or Astrocartography, is a practice in which experts analyse travel-related predictions for individuals based on their custom-made birth chart. Just as astrology influences various aspects of life, such as finances, careers, relationships, family, and personal traits, it also plays a role in shaping a person’s approach to travel. Here is a basic insight into the types of travellers as per the sun sign.

Primarily, the 7th, 8th, 9th or 12th houses of the birth chart are examined by experts to determine an individual’s inclination for travel and its impact on their overall life, as well as the kind of traveller they are likely to be. But, for those seeking a general understanding of their or a loved one’s behaviour while travelling, the zodiac sign is a good place to start.

Sun signs that have a major influence on Mercury and Jupiter are considered to favour travel. On the other hand, zodiac signs that are more rooted in their homes and do not appreciate taking long journeys for business and pleasure include Cancer, Virgo and, to some extent, Capricorn. Let’s delve into why some signs have a stronger wanderlust than others.

Types of travellers as per sun sign

Aries (21 March – 19 April)

types of travellers
Image credit: Matt Hardy/Pexels

Aries, the first sign on the zodiac wheel, is symbolised by the ram and ruled by the planet Mars. Their defining traits are drive, ambition and spontaneity. They are a lot of fun while travelling and you will have a great time with them if you are okay with getting on with their impulsive plans. Aries travellers love to explore the food and are quite adventurous when it comes to checking out new places. Not averse to spending money to get a quality experience, they often try to pack in a lot of experiences into a short time, which can be a bit overwhelming.

Taurus (20 April – 20 May)

Taurus, an earth sign symbolised by a celestial bull, is ruled by the planet of love and money, Venus. These travellers are lovers of luxury and extravagant experiences. Not very high on sightseeing or trying adventurous activities, they are laid-back travellers. After working very hard, Taurus travellers believe they have earned the right to blow some steam off at Michelin-star restaurants, spas and casinos.

Gemini (21 May – 20 June)

travellers as per sun sign
Image credit: George Pak/Pexels

Flirty, free-wheeling and very lively, Gemini is an air sign symbolised by the twins. This zodiac stands for duality in astrology, craving to be everywhere all at once. They are also known as the social butterflies of the zodiac and make friends easily. They are high on intelligence and always buzzing with a million ideas at once. They are active travellers as per the sun sign and want to check out everything their chosen destination has to offer. They often race against time to make it to all the activities they have signed up for. Their joie-de-vivre and infectious energy often make them ideal partners to travel with, only if you are okay with their myriad plans on a trip.

Cancer (21 June – 22 July)

Cancer, ruled by the moon, is a sign that is somewhat homebound. Their intense emotional connection to loved ones and family prevents them from travelling for extended periods. They are also the type of travellers who cannot take off solo and always like to be surrounded by their loved ones. When on a trip, they like to chill in their hotel and are not big on touring extensively. They enjoy the calm and peace above everything else and are likely to visit non-touristy, obscure places to unwind.

Leo (23 July – 22 August)

travellers as per sun sign
Image credit: Cottonbro Studio/Pexels

This fire sign, symbolised by a lion and ruled by the sun, is a beacon of positivity and optimism, much like a ray of sunshine in the garb of humans. They like to explore all the luxurious experiences a destination has to offer and don’t mind treating their loved ones the same. This is the reason they are paired the best with Taureans, who love to chase a similar pursuit. Leos are also all about sharing their travel experiences on social media because they not only like the attention but also thrive on social validation.

Virgo (23 August – 22 September)

Virgo, ruled by the planet Mercury, which stands for communication, travel and technology in astrology, are cautious travellers and slow communicators. They tend to internalise their thoughts and are avid planners. Before embarking on a journey, a typical Virgo would make extensive lists and pre-book everything. They hate spontaneity and change in plans. They love to adhere to a pre-decided routine and are sticklers for punctuality. This sign, symbolised, by the virgin or the maiden, is a perfectionist and has trouble letting their hair down even on a vacation.

Libra (23 September – 22 October)

Image credit: Freestocks/Unsplash

Librans have a natural penchant for arts of any and every kind and make their vacation a culturally rich experience. This Venusian sign will most probably shop until it drops and check out all the museums and art corners their chosen destination has to offer. Symbolised by the weighing scale, Libra loves travelling and turns every trip into an experience of a lifetime.

Scorpio (23 October– 21 November)

Scorpio is an inherently unconventional sign. This intense water sign, symbolised by the planet of darkness, death, destruction and transition, may not be natural travellers but when they do, they are sure to follow the lesser-taken path. They are the type of travellers who like to check out unusual destinations, and offbeat activities, avoiding the touristy things in favour of a more authentic experience.

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Sagittarius (22 November – 21 December)

Sagittarius, ruled by the planet of adventure, Jupiter, was born to travel, both literally and figuratively. Their biggest pet peeve is stagnation, and they are always excited to pack their bags and leave. Sagittarians are the type of travellers who often throw caution to the wind and take up daring expeditions. It is very hard to match up to their energy and hyperactivity while travelling. Only fellow fire signs Aries and Sagittarius can be worthy contenders to embark on a quest with this sign symbolised by an archer.

Capricorn (22 December – 19 January)

planning for a trip
Image credit: Nataliya Vaitkevich/Pexels

Ruled by the planet of rules and regulations, Saturn, Capricorn is symbolised by a celestial sea goat and is always bound by their responsibilities to work and family. They are among the more serious and mature signs, making it difficult to convince them to take a vacation. Capricorns like to plan everything, and much like the fastidious Virgo, despise any kind of last-minute disruptions to their routine, even while travelling. Exploring something that is not in their itinerary does not come naturally to them and they are better left alone to explore a destination at their own pace and according to their plans.

Aquarius (20 January – 18 February)

This intelligent air sign is motivated by a higher purpose in life. They are the good samaritan type of travellers as per the sun sign. Aquarians like giving back to the community and appreciate connecting with people at large while travelling. They are also big on seeking meaningful experiences and vacationing is not just about fun and games for them.

Pisces (19 February – 20 March)

Pisceans are the water babies of the zodiac and possess a peaceful and meditative temperament. Their ideal retreat involves tranquil and nature-centric locations. For those born under this sign, ruled by the planet of dreams and fantasies, Neptune, a spiritual retreat or meditation camp would be a perfect destination.

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(Main and Feature Image credit: Andrei Tanase/Pexels)

Related: Chase The Chill: Winter Travel Escapes For Your Zodiac Sign

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-Aries individuals are known for their adventurous spirit. What are some ideal travel destinations for them?
Perfect destinations for Arians to explore would be lively places buzzing with activity like Paris, Los Angeles, Las Vegas or New Zealand.

-How can Aries travellers stay organized and avoid impulsive decisions during their trips?
Aries travellers can plan their trips and pre-book their stay and tickets as this would give them a chance to adhere to their routine and avoid last-minute impulsive decisions.

-What are some luxury travel destinations that Taurus individuals might enjoy?
Taureans are indulgent travellers as per sun sign analysis. Taureans might enjoy the romantic and luxurious Paris and Rome or someplace quaint yet posh like Gstaad in Switzerland.

-How can Taurus travellers ensure they stick to a budget while still enjoying their trip?
Not getting carried away and fighting an impulse to shop till they drop might be challenging for the luxury-loving Taureans but budgeting for the trip beforehand might solve this problem.

-Geminis love to explore and meet new people. What are some destinations where they can socialize and have diverse experiences?
Tokyo, Barcelona or New York City are ideal destinations for the Gemini to absorb some culture and socialise.

-What can Geminis do to prevent boredom during long trips?
Travelling with ideal and compatible partners and signing up for different travel activities will ensure that the twins are never bored on their trips.

-What are some travel tips for Cancer individuals who may experience homesickness?
Planning shorter vacations and travelling with family and friends will ease the Cancerian soul.

-Where can Cancer travellers find serene and peaceful destinations to relax?
Cancerians should check out some family retreats in the Bahamas, Caribbean islands or Maldives.

Stars Of Overpacking: These Zodiac Signs Just Can't Travel Light who overpack

Astrology and travel have a close connection. While some may find it hard to believe, an individual’s birth chart can provide insights into their inclination for travel or being more homebound. Zodiac signs, in their unique way, can shed light on a person’s love for either minimalist packing or the art of overpacking.

Astrocartography is an important practice of zodiac travel that reveals a person’s behaviour during a trip and uncovers their travel-related quirks and tendencies.

How Astrocartography reveals zodiac signs that overpack?

zodiacs who overpack
Image credit: Leah Kelley/Pexels

A birth chart is nothing but a snapshot of the celestial sky at the precise moment of a person’s birth. It serves as a unique astrological blueprint, and one’s life path can be understood by accurately analysing all the planetary and luminary positions on this chart. In Vedic astrology, for instance, the ninth house in the birth chart is associated with long-distance travel.

This connection is due to the influence of the planet Jupiter, which symbolises adventure, exploration and excitement. Jupiter is also related to personal growth, spiritual evolution and progress in general.

Some key positions examined in the birth chart include the luminaries, the sun and the moon, along with the planets Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and lunar south and north nodes. Analysing these positions can provide insights into an individual’s travel patterns and unique tendencies. It can reveal whether they are light or over-packers, whether they like outdoor activities or prefer the comfort of a hotel bed, or if they find relaxation in a spa.

Zodiacs who overpack – Are you one of them?


zodiac travel
Image credit: Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Taurus is a fixed earth sign symbolised by a celestial bull. Ruled by Venus, the planet of love and money, Taureans love indulgence of any and every kind. They like to chase luxury and are determined to work hard to afford it. They aim for the best travelling experience and like to prepare well for the same in advance. Their over-enthusiasm often leads to overpacking. Taureans have needs beyond the basics, and hence they tend to carry their entire world with them.

You’ll likely find a Tauras traveller with multiple skin and hair care products, random accessories, empty shopping bags to carry all the shopping, and loads of outfits with matching accessories. This is definitely amongst the most prominent zodiacs who overpack.


A Venusian zodiac sign, Libra is symbolised by a weighing scale. Librans appreciate beauty and harmony in all aspects of their life. Their constant quest for balance often leaves them indecisive, even when it comes to travel packing. They like to chase their artistic instincts and are driven by a touch of vanity. Librans are known to flaunt the latest styles and drop vacation looks on social media, seeking admiration and adoration from others.

As an intelligent air sign with a cardinal modality, Librans take initiative and are deeply involved in their travel plans. They tend to plan busy vacations and mostly pack a lot of specialised gear, clothes and accessories to go with their plans.

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zodiac travel
Image credit: Vlada Karpovich/Pexels

Leo, symbolised by the lion and ruled by the Sun, is a beacon of optimism and hope. They love to travel and leave no stone unturned in planning and executing a good vacation. But, they do have a tiny flaw. Their inherent confidence, at times bordering on overconfidence, can lead to procrastination. This overconfidence often causes them to delay packing until the last minute.

In the rush to catch their flight, Leos tend to pack a lot of unnecessary items that won’t be used during their trip. These lions are particularly proud of their mane, and their suitcase is often filled with a range of hair ornaments and accessories.

(Hero and feature image credit: Timur Weber/Pexels)

Related: All the Packing Tips You’ll Ever Need, From One of the World’s Top Luggage Experts

Chase The Chill: Winter Travel Escapes For Your Zodiac Sign travel

What comes to mind when one thinks of winter? Welcoming hot beverages, cosy fireplaces, snuggling up with your loved one, and of course, holidays! This season beckons a festive atmosphere and hence calls for a much-needed break from the daily routine. You don’t have to be a born traveller to tap into the magic of the season. But are you confused about which destination to choose this winter? Why not consider what astrology suggests? Here are a few winter travel destination suggestions based on your zodiac sign.

Zodiac travel: Sun signs and their preferences

Travel is a significant aspect of an individual’s birth chart, and astrology experts agree that the presence or absence of particular astrological elements greatly impacts this facet of one’s life. While some signs have a natural inclination for travel, others find pleasure in staying at home. Also, different zodiac signs have distinct preferences for how they want to spend their vacations. While excitement-seeking Sagitarians would love to explore new places, sensitive and calm Pisceans would prefer to travel slowly, immersing themselves in the history and culture of the place at their own pace.

On the other hand, zodiac signs like Cancer, Capricorn and Virgo are naturally inclined to be homebodies. They find joy in their domestic or everyday professional lives. Their ideal vacation is to disconnect from the practical world and spend time with their families. They are not thrill seekers and prefer the mundane predictability of life over adventure. Now, let’s delve into winter destinations that align with your zodiac sign’s preferences.

Best winter travel destinations based on zodiac signs

Aries (March 21 – April 19) – Canary Islands, Spain

winter trave
Image credit Image credit: Marcin Jozwiak/Unsplash

This Spanish archipelago offers many experiences perfectly suited for the fiery Aries, symbolised by the ram. As a cardinal sign ruled by the planet of drive, Mars, Aries is up for anything in terms of exploring new places. The versatility of the terrain at this destination will provide a much-needed escape for these adventurous souls. Wine tasting, hiking, spending time at the beach and exploring the volcanic landscapes of this place are sure to ignite the imagination of the spirited Arians.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – Gstaad, Switzerland

zodiac winter travel
Image credit: Chris Man/Unsplash

Gstaad, located in the heart of the Swiss Alps, is one of the world’s premium ski resorts, perfectly suitable for the indulgent and luxury-loving earth sign of Taurus, symbolised by the celestial bull. One of the most beautiful places in the world, this destination offers snow-laden glaciers, opulent and upscale hotels and the famous Michelin-star restaurant, Chesery. Not too shabby for the glamour-loving Taureans, isn’t it?

Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – Chicago, USA

zodiac travel
Image: Max Bender/Unsplash

Always bursting with positive energy and joy, Gemini, represented by the twins, is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. They are often considered the social butterflies of the zodiac, embodying duality. Always in search of excitement and adventure, Chicago in Illinois, USA, is an ideal holiday destination for Geminis. This vibrant city is bustling with activities and experiences for the curious minds of the twins. Home to the biggest Michelin-star restaurants, museums and the highest sky-scrapers, Chicago, often called the “Gem of the Midwest”, is a perfect match for this zodiac sign.

Cancer (June 21– July 22) – Dolomites, Italy

dolomites, Italy
Image credit: Sara Groblechner/Unsplash

Cancer is ruled by the moon, and individuals of this water sign are known for their deep emotional sensitivity as well as attachment to their domestic lives and families. They typically prefer something offbeat, quiet and peaceful over thrill-seeking adventures. The Dolomites, although as beautiful as the Alps, offer a comparatively less touristy and more serene environment, making it a perfect snowy escape for Cancerians this winter.

Read our guide to the most beautiful places to visit in Italy.

Leo (July 23 – August 22) – Bahamas, Caribbean

winter travel
Image credit: Fernando Jorge/Unsplash

Home to around 700 subtropical islands, The Bahamas is an incredibly versatile destination right in the lap of nature that perfectly complements the spirited and regal Leo, represented by the lion. Leos are known for their vibrant, positive and generous nature. They are naturally drawn to bright and cheerful places, making these tropical islands a top choice for their sunny disposition.

In The Bahamas, Leos can find solace in the beauty of pristine beaches, explore the enchanting coral reefs and immerse themselves in the history of its charming towns.

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Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – Tokyo, Japan

winter travel
Image credit Daderot/Wikimedia Commons

Fast-paced, ultra-modern and hi-tech, Tokyo offers a perfect blend of old and new to the fastidious and perfectionist earth sign of Virgo. Not only does the city impress travellers with its diverse dining scene but also provides rich cultural exposure through its museums and architecture to this sign symbolised by the virgin or the maiden.

Read our guide to the most beautiful places to visit in Japan.

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Libra (September 23 – October 22) – New York City, USA

New York City
Image credit: Dllu//CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0//Wikimedia Commons

“Concrete jungle where dreams are made of. There’s nothing you can’t do. Now you’re in New York.” These famous lyrics capture the essence of the incredible city of New York, known as a melting pot of cultures. Libra, an air sign ruled by the planet of love and money, will feel at home in this glitzy, glamorous and dreamy metropolis. This charming sign will soak in the city’s rich blend of old and modern art along with some of the finest, unique and soul-satisfying gastronomical experiences.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) – Zakynthos, Greece

winter zodiac travel
Image credit: Visit Greece

As a fixed water sign, Scorpio is often characterised by its enigmatic and intuitive nature. Ruled by Pluto, the planet of darkness and transformation, this sign, symbolised by the scorpion, is not everyone’s cup of tea. For this intense sign, the relatively less-explored Zakynthos island in Greece offers a perfect escape with its serene beaches, mysterious caves and awe-inspiring coral reefs.

Read our guide to the most beautiful places to visit in Greece.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21) – Hawaii Islands

Image credit: Karsten Winegeart/Unsplash

Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of adventure, Sagittarius, symbolised by the archer, has a nomadic spirit at heart. Their souls seek thrill and excitement, making the vast expanse of the azure blue coastline of Hawaii Islands a perfect retreat for them. As members of the mutable modality, Sags seek thrill and adventure in their lives. The six islands of Hawaii offer a wide range of experiences, ensuring that Sagittarians are constantly enthralled and never bored on their journey of discovery. Hence, this is an ideal zodiac travel destination.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) – Salzburg, Austria

winter zodiac travel
Image credit: Nicolas Chometowski/Unsplash

Salzburg is a historic destination straight out of a dream world. Home to Mozart and famously featured in the classic Sound of Music, Salzburg has retained its old-world charm. Capricorn, an earth sign represented by the sea goat, is known to prefer routines. As one of the most serious signs in the zodiac, Capricorns are ardent lovers of history and culture. Winter in Salzburg adds an extra layer of attraction with its enchanting Christmas markets, making it an ideal winter travel destination for this zodiac sign that appreciates tradition and festive charm.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) – Vermont, USA

winter zodiac travel
Image credit: Eric Chen/Unsplash

Vermont in North America transforms into a winter wonderland, making it a perfect winter travel destination for ski lovers. This progressive and futuristic sign is drawn to unique experiences, as they easily become bored with the ordinary. As an intelligent air sign, Aquarians are always curious and have a penchant for thinking outside the box. After indulging in skiing and hiking activities, they can check out the local arts and crafts showcased at exhibitions in Vermont.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20) – Mauritius Islands

Image credit: Xavier Coiffic/Unsplash

Pisceans, often referred to as the designated water babies of the zodiac, are represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions and belong to the mutable modality. Calm and meditative by nature, they often detach themselves from reality, viewing the world through rose-tinted glasses. Mauritius, with its clear blue waters, pristine beaches and emerald green forests, perfectly aligns with their dreamy disposition and makes up for a perfect winter travel place for this zodiac sign.

Related: Places To Travel Based On Your Zodiac Sign

(Hero and featured image credit: Freestocks/Unsplash)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-Which zodiac signs don’t like to travel in winter?

Fire signs Aries, Leo and Sagittarius often like to travel to sunny places and do not enjoy severe colds.

-Which zodiac signs love snowfall places?

Water signs Pisces and Scorpio along with air signs Gemini, Libra and Aquarius enjoy snowfall.

-Which zodiac signs are most compatible for travel together?

Aries-Sagittarius, Taurus-Cancer, Gemini-Aquarius and Cancer-Virgo are some of the most compatible zodiac pairs.

Best Places To Travel In Autumn Based On Your Zodiac Sign places to travel in autumn

Autumn or fall is hailed as one of the most scenic and romantic seasons. A welcome change from the summer’s sweltering heat, the fall symbolises the transition, transformation and end of something, to usher in a new phase. Neither as warm as summers nor as harsh as the winters, this is a perfect season to sip a pumpkin spice latte and travel the world, creating beautiful memories all the while. So, here are the best places to travel in autumn from an astrological point of view.

How does the zodiac influence travel?

Astrology plays a big role in determining whether a person is inclined to travel or not. Amongst the 12 houses of an individual’s birth chart, the numbers nine and 12 determine travel, more specifically foreign travel and settlement. Similarly, every zodiac has innate traits that motivate them to either be bitten by the wanderlust bug or remain bound to their routine.

The three sun signs of the fall are Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. While Libra is a cardinal air sign, it occurs at the start of this season. Scorpio is a fixed water sign which stays during the fall while Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign that represents the change of the season from autumn to winter. The diverse modalities, elements and personality traits of these three sun signs influence the vibe when travelling with other zodiacs travel during this period.

Even though the most popular season for going on a holiday has been summer, travelling in autumn has a unique vibe and beauty associated with it. Zodiac signs’ destination choices during the fall are influenced by the charming airiness of Libra, the intensity of Scorpio and the adventurous attitude of Sagittarius.

Best places to travel in autumn according to zodiacs

Aries: Switzerland

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Aliunix/Unsplash

This popular European destination transforms into a dreamy fairyland during the early fall. Romantic, luxe and extravagant, this destination speaks directly to the flamboyant Aries. This cardinal fire sign will feel quite at home while going on hiking trails and immersing themselves in the views of the magnificent yellow-orange foliage, as well as the clear vistas while breathing the crisp mountain air during their fall vacation.

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Taurus: Dubai

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Christoph Schulz/Unsplash

Futuristic and uber-luxurious, Dubai offers the fanciest and bespoke experiences to this fixed earth sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love and money. Taurus, represented by a celestial bull, loves self-indulgence and treats themselves to indulgent activities like a spa day, couture shopping excursions and fine dining.

Symbolised by the bull, Taureans can splurge on themselves and their loved ones and spend time like a royal here. Plus, the autumn months are warm. This destination is, hence, perfect for the luxury-loving fixed sign.

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Gemini: Austria

travel in autumn
Image credit: Katerina Kerdi/Unsplash

Quaint, charming and breathtakingly beautiful with picture-postcard views, Austria is a dreamland fall getaway for the sociable, active and enterprising Gemini. This air sign denoted by The Twins represents duality in the zodiac. They are full of ideas and want to explore a myriad of things all at once.

Hence, Austria is the best place for them to implement their travel ideas alone or with friends. They can go biking and hiking or prefer to just slow down a bit to take in the calm, cool, historic and romantic vibe of the place.

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Cancer: France

travel in autumn
Image credit: Anthony DELANOIX/Unsplash

Sensitive, this water sign of the zodiac detests anything superficial. Ruled by the moon, which is symbolic of love and emotion, Cancerians are essentially homebodies. Depicted by crabs, they cherish time with their loved ones and are not the ones to jet across from place to place in search of excitement. Thus, France provides them with equal opportunities if they choose to soak in its history and culture or be away from the hustle-bustle of a city or unwind in the woods amidst the hills.

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Leo: North America

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Joe Caione/Unsplash

This fire sign denoted by the lion is warm-hearted, loud, gregarious and regal in its disposition. Ruled by the Sun, they are beacons of optimism and hate anything that is even remotely bleak, dark, dull or uninteresting. There is no better destination than the United States of America for the stars of the zodiac. Why, you ask? North America provides Leo with an array of experiences at places, ranging from Los Angeles to New Mexico, the choices are limitless.

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Virgo: Ireland

travel in autumn
Image credit: Tetyana Kovyrina/Pexels

Dublin, Belfast, Galway…almost the entire Ireland is scenically decked in golden leaves during early and mid-October. This season is best known for going on road trips to the countryside to take in the cool breeze and beautiful views. The perfectionist of the zodiac, Virgo, would be quite at home here as this sign, denoted by the Virgin, craves something simple, earthy and timeless. This mutable sign ruled by the planet Mercury will have plenty of activities to do here during autumn which is known as the perfect season to travel across the Irish landscapes.

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Libra: Italy

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Alex Dttrch/Pexels

This air sign is dominated by the planet Venus and loves beauty in all forms. One of the best places to travel in autumn for this intelligent and charming sign is Italy. Symbolised by the weighing scale, it serves as an ideal destination because it is neither too cold nor too hot and there are fewer tourists and abundant natural beauty coupled with one of the best wine and dining experiences in the world.

While Rome is known for its fashion and history, Piedmont and Tuscany are known for their delightful gastronomic experiences and harvest festivals. The Italian Alps, Amalfi Coast and The Lakes Region are wonderful for Librans craving to go outdoors.

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Scorpio: Finland

travel in autumn
Image credit: Hert Niks/Pexels

Finnish for the fall is ‘Ruska,’ and it is one of the best seasons to experience the stunning foliage, northern lights, history and culture in the cities, and walk along a quiet trail in a forest. Scorpio, denoted by a scorpion, is the fixed water sign which is known for its intensity and sixth sense. Not a sign to be taken lightly, they care deeply about meaningful associations and experiences. Hence, one of the best places to travel in autumn, Finland would resonate with their passionate spirit.

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Sagittarius: Arizona

travel in autumn
Image credit: Yigithan Bal /Pexels

Outdoorsy and outgoing, this sun sign denoted by the archer is the last of the fire sign and loves to travel the most among all zodiacs. Ruled by the planet of adventure, Jupiter, they are of mutable modality which means that they like to move around a lot and feel stuck if confined to a place for a long time. Hence, Arizona is the most happening place suited for their wandering soul. They can either go for famous hikes suitable for the fall to San Francisco Peaks, Lockett Meadow, Verde Canyon or Boyce Thompson Arboretum and rest in quiet wooden cabins at these places while enjoying the bountiful surrounding nature.

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Capricorn: England

best places to travel in autumn
Image credit: Mike Bird/Pexels

Denoted by a sea-goat and ruled by the planet of discipline, Saturn, Capricorn is an earth sign who likes to stick to its routine and life goals. Even though they don’t particularly enjoy surprises or downtime in general, the unmistakable beauty of the English countryside during autumn will most definitely impress them. Classic autumnal foliage, fires in pubs, travelling fairs which is a tradition of England and, of course, the delectable cuisine, comprising pumpkin pies and root vegetable soups, is exactly how a Capricorn would want to spend their vacation.

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Aquarius: Denmark

travel in autumn
Image credit: Baro/Pexels

This Nordic country is all geared up to welcome visitors in autumn and let travellers explore their local lifestyle, hygge. Denmark in the fall is all about cosy fireplaces, hot cocoa, warm pubs, museum tours and nature trails. This speaks directly to the curious, intelligent and forward-thinking soul of a true blue Aquarian. Governed by the planet Uranus, this fixed sign likes to explore places and things that are beyond ordinary which makes Denmark the ideal destination during the fall the best to visit.

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Pisces: Peru

travel in autumn
Image credit: Marco Palomino/Pexels

The designated water babies of the zodiac, Pisces are calm, reflective and peaceful beings denoted by the twin fishes swimming in opposite directions. Visiting the coast of Peru in the off-season of the fall is perfect for them, as they can indulge in an array of activities without distraction, owing to lesser crowds.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can my zodiac sign influence my travel plans for autumn?

Zodiac signs, in general, influence travel among other major aspects of life like career and love. The sun sign, its ruling planet, modality and placement of stars in the birth chart influence travel as well.

Which zodiac signs are likely to enjoy cosy autumn getaways?

Taurus, Libra and Pisces are most likely to enjoy cosy autumn getaways.

Are there specific zodiac signs that might seek adventure during autumn?

Sagittarius would want to seek adventure during their fall vacation.

What are some recommended autumn destinations for water signs?

Paris, Peru and Norway are some recommended destinations for the water signs.

Can my zodiac sign influence my choice of autumn colours and fashion for travel?

Yes, the choice of colours and personal style is greatly influenced by the inherent characteristics and traits each zodiac displays.

Should I consider astrology when planning my autumn travel?

Yes. It is helpful to zero in on fall vacation destinations according to astrology.

Can my zodiac sign affect my preference for urban or rural autumn travel?

Yes, every zodiac sign has peculiar personality traits that influence aspects like urban or rural travel and slow or adventurous travel.

Are there any specific activities or events I should consider based on my zodiac sign for autumn travel?

Fire signs would like to participate in treks, hikes and nature trails or activities like pumpkin picking, traditional fairs and haunted house tours that highlight the autumn spirit. While earth signs would like to indulge in a spa day or maybe rent a cosy wooden villa amidst a forest, water signs would like to slow travel to experience the magnificent autumn foliage.

Are there zodiac signs that might enjoy cultural experiences during autumn travel?

Yes, fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius would enjoy a good cultural experience.

Can astrology help me choose the best travel companions for my autumn trip?

Yes, astrology helps in checking travel compatibility with other zodiacs.

Should I plan my autumn travel based solely on my zodiac sign’s recommendations?

It sure would be helpful to do so to shortlist on best fall destinations, activities and ideal travel companions.

Are there travel apps or resources that provide zodiac-based travel recommendations?

One can try apps like Chani, Nebula, Co-star and Astro Future for astrology-based travel advice.

Can I use astrology to plan a solo autumn retreat that aligns with my zodiac sign’s qualities?

One can try astrology to understand one’s traits and travel accordingly.

(Hero and featured image: Courtesy of Matt/Unsplash)

Related: Who Is Your Ultimate Travel Partner As Per Zodiac For A Romantic Holiday?

Jet, Set, Roar! Best Holiday Destinations For Leos According To Their Travel Horoscope travel horoscope

Energetic, gregarious, valiant — Leos love to explore new places and are always up for an adventure. Needless to say, a deep dive into Leo’s travel horoscope points to some of the most vibrant holiday destinations as the best places to travel for them.  

What is the first thing you notice about a Leo? Their sunny demeanour, never-say-die attitude or their incredible generosity? All of these qualities make those born under this zodiac sign avid travellers. Thanks to their remarkable zest for life, the best places to travel for a Leo are either those with a lively atmosphere, tons of adrenaline-inducing activities or luxurious options to lounge their break away.

What makes Leos the perfect travel companion?

leo travel horoscope
Image credit: Diana Titenko/Pexels

Starting from July 23 to August 22, the Leo season falls in the middle of summer. The fire sign with a fixed modality, is ruled by the sun and hence, exhibits a generally warm disposition towards life and fellow zodiacs. They like to bask in attention and tend to be likeable and magnetic.

Quite popular, people born under this sun sign assume the role of natural leaders in every group, be it professional or personal. These extroverted personalities love crowds and are quite fearless and loyal in their relationships. This makes them perfect travel companions.

Once you let the Leo in your life take the reigns of your holiday plans, there won’t be a single dull day in your itinerary. They make sure you get the best plane seats, and best deals and come back rejuvenated and glowing from your vacation.

Leo travel compatibility with other zodiacs

leo travel
Image credit: RDNE Stock project/Pexels

Leo gets well along with other fire signs, Aries and Sagittarius as they match its adventurous yet regal attitude. Besides them, the air sign of Gemini is also considered a good match for Leos according to travel horoscope because of their shared penchant for out-of-this-world, luxe experiences.

Amongst the earth signs, Taurus could be a good travel buddy to Leo because this steadfast sign denoted by a celestial bull is governed by the planet of love and money, Venus. Taureans love to indulge in spa days, good food and crave opulence while on vacation and even in life. This quality perfectly matches the pleasure-seeking Leos.

The only bone of contention that might cause this equation to go awry is that the bull is known to be stubborn and the lion likes to be in control of every situation. But they can plan a wonderful sojourn if they work out their characteristic differences.

Best destinations to visit to please the Leo in you

Paris, France

leo best places to travel
Image credit: Léonard Cotte/Unsplash

Vacationing in the French capital of Paris is the epitome of living the good life — a befitting trip for the king of the zodiacs. Royal and refined, this city is like a love letter to every connoisseur of art and fashion, who wants to live a high life. Romantic and picturesque, the Parisian streets will surely impress the larger-than-life soul of a Leo.

Besides the touristy Eiffel Tower and Louvre Museum, visitors can experience stylish bistros and revel in the grandiosity of the iconic Champs-Élysées! Paris truly is a true blue Leo’s playground.

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Miami, Florida

leo best places to travel
Image credit: Denys Kostyuchenko/Unsplash

There are many reasons why Miami is called the Magic City and all of them complement the Leo spirit. The sunny beaches, neverending nightlife, glamorous dining scenes and charming art deco buildings will captivate the zodiac’s mind.

While their extroverted side can live it up at the buzzing beaches and exclusive clubs, their intellectual soul will find solace in the city’s art galleries and tropical gardens. Hence, this is one of the best places to travel for Leos.

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Las Vegas, Nevada

Image credit: Julian Paefgen/Unsplash

There is no bad time to visit the ‘Sin City’ for a Leo, dictates their travel horoscope. Not for the weak-hearted, the casinos, slots and unlimited betting games are perfect for the daring zodiac sign. The vibe of this party destination — filled with decadent Michelin-star restaurants, gambling haunts, jaw-dropping live performances and 24-hour wedding chapels — is in tune with this fire sign’s core ethos.

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Image credit: Rayyu Maldives/Unsplash

If there is indeed heaven on earth, the Maldives could definitely qualify as a piece of it! This chain of 26 mini islands dotted with pristine white sand beaches and turquoise waters in the Indian Ocean offers a unique, once-in-a-lifetime bespoke experience. Leo travellers can spend their free time languorously in over-water bungalows with infinity pools overlooking gorgeous sunsets while indulging in sumptuous local tropical fare.

Additionally, the breathtaking snorkelling and deep sea diving activities will surely appeal to the adrenaline junkie in Leo.

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Buenos Aires, Argentina

leo travel horoscope
Image credit: Rafael Guimarães /Pexels

Besides being known for its sporting culture and Tango, the Argentinian capital is also famous for its breathtaking architecture, carnivals and vibrant nightlife, all of which are both inviting and exciting for larger-than-life Leos. This fiery sign will have loads to explore here — right from the oldest bar known in Argentina, Cafe Tortoni to the magnificent opera house, Teatro Colón, which is more than a hundred years old!

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The Swiss Alps, Switzerland

leo travel horoscope
Image credit: Ty/Pexels

Leos, picture this: You are sitting in a cosy chalet all snuggled up beside a beautifully built vintage fireplace and sipping hot chocolate or sampling fondue made from the finest local cheese after a fulfilling ride in the picturesque The Glacier Express train plying from the Zermatt to St. Moritz village. Sounds magical, doesn’t it?

Indulge in peaceful walking tours or exciting activities like paragliding or winter sports to get in touch with your thrill-seeking side.

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Koh Samui, Thailand

koh samui
Image credit: Darren Lawrence/Pexels

Quaint and paradise-like, no one can resist the charm of this traditional fishing village in Asia. Koh Samui is one of the best places to travel for Leos as they can indulge in endless spa days at the luxurious wellness retreats here. With a wide variety of ultra-colourful flora and fauna, the destination can win over even the most demanding traveller.

Additionally, the boisterous spirits can feel centred and grounded at the numerous old Buddhist temples spread across Thailand’s second-largest island, aligning well with Leo’s travel horoscope.

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(Hero and featured image credit: Bayu Jefri/Pexels)

Related: Las Vegas To Japan: The Ultimate International Travel Guide For Summers As Per Zodiacs

Who Is Your Ultimate Travel Partner As Per Zodiac For A Romantic Holiday? partner as per zodiac

An individual’s personality can come undone while travelling, with all quirks exposed and whims magnified in front of our fellow companions. However, taking holidays together can also be one of the truest forms of intimacy that help couples understand each other better. But before you want to pick a destination from your bucket list to travel to with your BAE, a quick compatibility check for an ideal travel partner as per the zodiac can be helpful.

It is interesting to get some insights from an astrological point of view to ascertain whether your partner is the type of person you would most enjoy a trip with or if you need to keep a few expectations in check before embarking on an adventure with them.

Alternatively, if you are single and looking to mingle, you could check your travel compatibility as per zodiac signs for the next person you date. Who knows, you could find your soulmate who loves jet-setting to exotic locales or shares your love for slow travel while making unforgettable memories that would last you both a lifetime.

Why choose travel partners as per zodiac signs?

travel partner as per zodiac
Image credit: Nathan Mcbride/Unsplash

Your zodiac sign tells a lot about personality, from a border disposition. Even though it is rather usual to divide all human beings into just 12 sun signs, it will still give you a perspective on the kind of traveller your lover is and the places that you could explore with them, keeping your common interests in mind.

For instance, the fire sign of Sagittarius is a born explorer. So when they pair with an emotional Cancer who essentially is a homebody, there could be a few challenges if they happen to travel together. Thus, the modalities, elements and planets influencing all the zodiacs determine their mood and attitude towards travel. Here is a guide to elucidate this phenomenon further.

Destinations to explore with compatible travel partners as per your zodiac sign

Aries and Sagittarius: Andaman Islands

Image credit: Vows on the Move/Unsplash

These fire signs have a lot in common, including their zodiac element. Both of them are ambitious, spontaneous and adventurous from the word go. While Aries is a cardinal sign ruled by the planet of drive, Mars, Sagittarius is a mutable sign ruled by the planet of travel, Jupiter. Both these signs pair up incredibly well romantically and can embark on a fun-filled journey together and never get bored with each other.

The less-explored islands of Andaman seem perfect for this pair to keep them stimulated and excited as they indulge in some deep-sea diving and sunbathing on its sparkling beaches.

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Taurus and Cancer: Gstaad

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Image credit: Timo Stern/Unsplash

The earth sign of Taurus is ruled by the planet of love and money, Venus. Hence, they love everything opulent and are known to enjoy an indulgent day at the spa more than any activity while on a vacation or otherwise. The emotional water sign Cancer, ruled by the moon, ascertains a lot of importance to family. They are a perfect travel love match as both love the indoors more than exploring the outside world.

The elegant, expensive and uber-luxurious Alpine village of Gstaad in Switzerland serves as a perfect spot for this cosy couple. Dotted by charming chalets, this zodiac couple can relax by a fireplace while gazing at the snow-capped Alps through the window and enjoying the choicest collection of cheese and wine this plush old town has to offer.

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Gemini and Aquarius: Paris

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Image credit: The Paris Photographer/Unsplash

This mutable air sign ruled by the planet Mercury is denoted by the symbol of The Twins and sometimes struggles with dual mindsets. They are open to new ideas and are not restricted to being in one place. They get along very well with fellow air sign Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, the planet of innovation. Together, they are an intelligent couple who would appreciate exploring the art and history of a place.

An ideal date for this couple would be at a museum during the day and catching opera in the evening. A culturally rich, fashion-forward and historic city like Paris is the best destination for this slightly nerdy couple.

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Cancer and Virgo: Milan

zodiac signs that love to travel
Image credit: Mihai Vlasceanu/Pexels

This cardinal water sign of the zodiac is all heart and emotions. They are seldom the adventurous or go-getters and prefer comfort over everything else. This sentiment is resonated by the mutable earth sign Virgo denoted by the planet Mercury. The Cancerian fondness for slow travel is much appreciated by the detail-oriented Virgos who do not like action-packed holidays.

This stylish and charming city of Milan hits the sweet spot for this romantic zodiac pair, as they can meander along its beautiful old streets or soak in the Italian culture at quaint local restaurants or rustic homestays.

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Leo and Sagittarius: Los Angeles

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Image credit: Karsten Winegeart/Unsplash

Leo is a dynamic fire sign ruled by the Sun. They have a limitless supply of positive energy and are eager to embark on any adventure without fear. This spirit is shared by the most travel-loving sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius.

Los Angeles is an ultra-glamorous city, which, in addition to being home to Hollywood, is also an American-Mexican cultural hub of the world. Travellers can choose from indulging in a myriad of experiences right from bustling food trucks to eating at old museums and walking at the famous Venice Broadwalk. LA is perfect for this zodiac couple who love to wear their hearts on their sleeves and seldom say no to any new experience.

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Virgo and Pisces: Morocco

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Image credit: Aziz Acharki/Unsplash

This earth sign is denoted by the symbol of the Virgin who loves to plan everything to the T. Their organisational skills are unmatched, and they hate surprises of any kind. Their practical approach bodes well with the free-spirited, artistic and meditative water sign Pisces. They are an excellent example of how opposites attract. Somehow, they find a perfect balance despite their corresponding natures.

The old city of Morocco in Africa gives its travellers an array of experiences to choose from. If planned well, one can get to experience everything from its wildlife, old markers plus its interesting terrain, making it a perfect destination for a road trip.

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Libra and Aries: Las Vegas

romantic holiday
Image credit: Kenny Eliason/Unsplash

Libra, the cardinal air sign, is ruled by the planet of love and luxury, Venus. Their passion and love for thrill and excitement are adequately matched by the fiery Aries. They are most likely to have a whirlwind romance, and what better place to express this passionate love than the vibrant city of Las Vegas?

From casinos to canyons — the sky is the limit for this wild and free couple to explore the party capital of the world.

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Scorpio and Cancer: Mykonos

travel partner as per zodiac
Image credit: Joan Costa/Pexels

Scorpio is one of the most mysterious and emotionally intuitive signs of the zodiac. This water sign is ruled by the planet of destruction, Pluto. Even though they are not everyone’s cup of tea, they are widely misunderstood, thanks to their intense nature. Fellow water sign Cancer, denoted by the crab, is inherently empathetic and kind; hence, totally gets the unconventional nature of Scorpio. Together, they make an amorous and intense pair.

The Greek party city of Mykonos offers this couple the freedom to be themselves and indulge in its breathtakingly romantic beaches and awe-inspiring architecture, free dining options and other luxurious indoor and outdoor experiences.

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Sagittarius and Gemini: Cappadocia

Image credit: Taryn Elliott/Pexels

If there were a word to describe Sagittarius when it comes to travelling, it would be a nomad. This is a mutable sign, which means that they do not like to stay rooted in one place. An adventurer at heart, this sign is denoted by an archer. Their enthusiasm is shared either by a fellow fire sign Aries or the air sign Gemini, which shares the same mutable modality.

A Sag and a Gemini can get in touch with their quirky side and explore someplace as exciting as the beautiful rocky terrain of Cappadocia of Turkey. The colourful hot air balloons in the azure sky of this naturally rocky landscape will beautifully capture their romance!

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Capricorn and Virgo: Mount Fuji

zodiac travel
Image credit: Alen Denisova/Unsplash

Ruled by the planet of discipline and strict timelines, Saturn, this earth sign is extremely goal-oriented. Capricorn, denoted by a sea-goat, loves a challenge, and what better destination than Japan’s Mount Fuji, which stands tall at 3,776 metres, would work for this zodiac? Their romantic partner for this ambitious trek would best be the equally practical, fastidious and organised fellow earth sign, Virgo.

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Aquarius and Gemini: London

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Image credit: Samson Katt/Pexels

Aquarius is one of the most progressive signs of the zodiac and is touted to be self-reflective and find themselves easily taking up a cause for a greater good. This intelligent zodiac sign meets its perfect romantic match in Gemini. Together, they form a cerebral couple ready to nerd it out on museum dates and art exhibitions.

What better place than a cultural and historical mecca like London to satisfy and stimulate their brains?

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Pisces and Capricorn: Bali

travel partner zodiac signs
Image credit: Baihaki Hine/Pexels

Sometimes criticised for being cut off from reality, the last sign of the zodiac is a mutable water sign denoted by two fish and is known for its dreamy deposition. They are calm, composed and highly non-confrontational. Not a fan of adrenaline rush or crazy adventures, they generally prefer some place calm and peaceful. A seemingly unlikely match, the earth sign of Capricorn is known to be romantically in tune with the mystical fish. The earth sign’s love for routine and the Piscean fluidity, when in sync, can create wonders.

Hence, the naturally bountiful Bali in Indonesia is a perfect getaway for this couple with opposite characteristics. Bali offers something to everyone. While it houses the best spiritual retreats in the tropical paradise for Pisces, it also has a variety of activities right from temple hopping, wildlife spotting at zoos and sanctuaries, bird watching and hiking for the ambitious Capricorn.

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(Hero and featured image credit: Anna Shvets/Pexels)

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