News Weather Watch For Travellers: Prepare For Rain, Snow, And More In Europe This December

Weather Watch For Travellers: Prepare For Rain, Snow, And More In Europe This December

Weather reports indicate that December 2023 is witnessing the "snowiest start to a meteorological winter since 2010" in Europe.


By Priyaja Bakshi Published on Dec 06, 2023, 10:00 AM

Weather Watch For Travellers: Prepare For Rain, Snow, And More In Europe This December
Image credit: Shutterstock

If you’re planning a winter getaway to Europe, brace yourself for the chilly reception of extremely cold weather. Popular destinations such as Germany, Ireland, the UK, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, and France are currently experiencing freezing temperatures, with heavy snowfall in some regions. The weather in Europe for December 2023 has resulted in significant travel disruptions, and travellers should come prepared with plenty of warm clothing.

Behind the chill: Understanding Europe’s December weather 2023

This winter in Europe kicked off with abundant snow and cold temperatures, catching many off guard with the sudden extreme weather. French meteorologist Nahal Belgherze shared on X (formerly Twitter) that this could be the “snowiest start to a meteorological winter since 2010” in Europe.

The Met Office UK has issued a Status Yellow low-temperature and ice warning nationwide. Additionally, the UK Health Security Agency has issued amber cold-health alerts, covering all regions of England. Widespread sharp frost and icy patches have been reported in Ireland and Scotland.

Several flights and trains have been postponed or cancelled due to heavy snowfall, leading to extensive delays for travellers in Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and the UK.

Southern Germany, particularly Munich, experienced massive snowstorms, while France faced heavy rainfall over the past week, with some regions on alert for flash floods.

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Bulgaria declared a state of emergency due to snowstorms, leaving over 1,000 villages without power. Sub-zero temperatures, reaching as low as minus 15 degrees Celsius, were recorded in Sweden, Norway, and Finland.

Snowfall is expected throughout December in France, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, parts of Italy and some regions of Spain. To navigate Europe’s December weather, pack plenty of sweaters, jackets, and raincoats.

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(Feature image credit: Shutterstock)

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Written By

Priyaja Bakshi

Priyaja Bakshi

Priyaja took her love for reading to the next level by majoring in English and minoring in Journalism at Lady Shri Ram College For Women (DU). She is extremely curious about the world and wishes to visit all the countries once in her life. She identifies as a foodie and loves to spend her free time exploring different cuisine and curating new dishes. ..Read More

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