Travel and Leisure Asia | India The World's Most Influential Travel Magazine Fri, 08 Dec 2023 10:22:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 and Leisure Asia | India 32 32 The Art Of Weaving & Crafting Human Stories With Designer Pranav Kirti Kirti

Huemn’s audacious journey into gender-less fashion signifies not just a style statement but a profound cultural shift. The brand’s collections are a kaleidoscope of styles, colours, and silhouettes for the tastemakers of our generation. Given the current state of fashion, where wardrobe curation supercedes trends, designer Pranav Kirti’s one-of-a kind statement pieces are here to become wardrobe mainstays for years to come.

Excerpts from the interview with Pranav Kirti:

T+L India: What led to the start of Huemn?

Pranav Kirti: Hunger. Huemn is an idea that has grown into a brand with the constant evolution of the human mind, and that is possible only when you surround yourself with inspiring artists who are as hungry as you to deliver and create. Great creative work often happens at the edge of your comfort zone. I believe that if you don’t feel this way before putting any work out there, then you have not pushed enough. This feeling is what I look for in my work, and in works of people that we collaborate with too.

Kirti’s collection, BLUE, is a celebration of the brand’s most loved intellectual properties reimagined in HUEMN blue.

T+L India: Can you tell us more about your collection titled BLUE and the message it holds?

Pranav Kirti: This collection is a celebration of our most loved intellectual properties reimagined in HUEMN blue. The message is anything that we do at Huemn has always been the same— humans are made to love.

T+L India: HUEMN sees an intersection of inclusivity, social landscape, and culture. How important is it for the brand to reflect these aspects in your designs? 

Pranav Kirti: For any community to thrive, the creative forces of that community have to be reflective of the outtakes of the societal turmoil of that period. This is what makes your work relevant. It makes it even more critical for a creative intellectual to be aware of at all times, for this process to be a natural phenomenon, and for the product to have depth. For us, it is more than just producing pretty looking clothes and calling it fashion, so we consciously choose to stay away from it.

T+L India: You have had interesting collaborations with brands like Pepsi. How do you come up with these collaborations?

Pranav Kirti: We are storytellers. These partnerships are designed only if there is a story to tell that both collaborators feel equally passionate about telling. The designer’s visit to Kashmir in 2017 impacted him deeply and inspired the brand’s designs for the next three years.

T+L India: How significant is sustainability in your design process?

Pranav Kirti :Finding the right story, and the vision to take it to our audience is key. Responsibly handling this process is mandatory in today’s environment. We are committed to that.

T+L India: Can you share any specific travel experiences that have made an impact on your creative process and influenced your designs for Huemn?

The designer’s visit to Kashmir in 2017 impacted him deeply and inspired the brand’s designs for the next three years.

Pranav Kirti: My travel to Kashmir back in 2017 influenced me heavily. When Mark Hanauer and I were on our way back from Shopian in Kashmir, I was sitting in the backseat and we were driving through an isolated bazaar; the environment was a bit tense. From the backseat, I saw a boy of around 14 [years] with a mask on his face, big eyes, and a bigger stone in his hand approaching us. Our hearts were in our mouths, but we kept sitting motionless throughout. Our designs for the next three years had Kashmir in it; that was how impactful that visit was.

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How Entrepreneur Shoba Jose George Goes 'The Extra Mile' To Weave Sustainable Journeys Jose George

Shoba Jose George is the founder of The Extra Mile, a boutique travel advisory. Her itineraries are influenced by her background in fine arts and her experiences growing up. Lesser-told stories are her greatest inspiration, and she aspires to create the joy of discovery and wonderment like a child for travellers. Low impact on the environment and high impact on the local economy, as well as emotions, remain her guiding principle.

Excerpts from the interview with Meet Shoba Jose George, Founder of The Extra Mile

T+L India: How long back does your love for travel go?

Shoba Jose George: I grew up hooked on reading travel magazines, with a profound appreciation for the world’s wonders. Summer holidays at my grandparents’ homes meant spending time amid Kerala’s plantations, lush nature, large family gatherings, and the joys of outdoor activities. My most striking travel memory is of Bangaram Island, Lakshadweep, at 15. My maiden snorkelling experience in crystal-clear turquoise waters left such an indelible impression that I replicated it for my son on the Red Sea in Egypt when he was still an infant. I cherish that memory mainly because it was a privilege when such opportunities were scarce.

T+L India: What is your most enduring memory of travel?

Pashmina Trail
Photo Courtesy: Shoba Jose George

Shoba Jose George: Nothing can beat the experience that kicked off our signature Pashmina Trail in Ladakh in 2021. That one incident was a game-changer for me. While researching the Pashmina Trail for a new tour, we searched for the Changthang shepherds. Driving over frozen landscapes and icy rivers, we finally found them in Tso Kar, where hundreds of black-necked cranes gracefully gather. Even in minus 20 degrees, we couldn’t stop taking pictures of the raw, windy beauty of the terrain. Formidable Tibetan mastiffs stood guard as we encountered a shepherd and a goat nestled in a protective pouch with a baby. I knew then that I had to tell this story over and over again!

T+L India: On making a difference…

Shoba Jose George
Photo Courtesy: Shoba Jose George

Shoba Jose George: The Pashmina Trail has sparked a ripple effect, especially in the fashion industry, prompting attention to source pashmina from Ladakh. We have been able to impact market connections and also catapult Ladakh into the spotlight on social media. Endorsements and visibility are so important for the wheels of a circular economy.

We strive to craft tours with a low impact on the environment while substantially impacting the economy and emotions of travellers and the local community. Our ultimate goal is for travellers to see, absorb, and leave with a profound respect for the land they’ve explored.

T+L India: How has travel evolved for good or bad in the last decade?

Shoba Jose George: We see the traditional sun-and-sand model giving way to a new era — where luxury is defined by experiences rather than mere destinations. This shift reflects a growing appreciation for meaningful and immersive travel encounters. On the downside, there has been a surge in excessive travel. The popularity of particular places, often fuelled by movies, pushes the limits of their carrying capacity. Equitable distribution will alleviate the strain on these destinations and help maintain their sustainability. And we will need to do our bit to pitch in for this.

The overall effects of tourism have been predominantly positive. Art forms are gaining recognition and pride. Architecture is respected globally. Travellers are moving away from focusing solely on hotels and are choosing to connect with the heart of local cultures and communities. The evolving landscape of travel holds both promises and challenges.

T+L India: What does experiential travel mean to you?

Pashmina Trail
Photo Courtesy: Shoba Jose George

Shoba Jose George: Experiential travel is about immersing oneself fully, shedding the identity of a spectator and becoming an integral part of the destination. It’s a journey of connecting with culture and people. This form of travel is a profound encounter that goes beyond the confines of a hotel room. It’s about actively participating in the cultural tapestry and developing a deep respect and admiration for the unfolding traditions and stories. It’s about engagement, involvement, and living out authentically.

T+L India: What do you think of a bucket list?

Shoba Jose George: A bucket list aligns more with a tourist’s mindset than a traveller’s. Compiling an extensive list of places to see and things to do creates a pressurised situation. Instead of savouring the present moment and embracing the journey’s spontaneity, there’s a risk of constantly chasing after the next item on the list. Turning time into moments is essential rather than pursuing a bucket list with extensive targets. Travel is about unexpected discoveries, not adhering to a checklist.

T+L India: Sustainability is more than a catchphrase. Your thoughts.

Pashmina Trail
Photo Courtesy: Shoba Jose George

Shoba Jose George: Every business, including the tourism industry, should strive to be self-sustaining. Sustainability is more than just a catchphrase. It’s a fundamental ethos extending beyond business practices to the core of a destination’s well-being. Thankfully, the shift towards such sustainable practices is increasingly noticeable in India. For instance, many small hotels are emerging as beacons of responsible tourism by creating an ecosystem where local flora and fauna flourish and the community benefits economically. While addressing the immediate impact on local economies is essential, the long-term health of the environment remains a growing concern.

T+L India: What are the ingredients of a dream travel experience?

Shoba Jose George: A dream travel experience is not just about the destination but the mindset with which one embarks on the journey. Go with a sense of humour. Embrace the unpredictability of the experience. Above all, refrain from placing undue pressure on everything being perfect. Flexibility is crucial to the spirit of adventure. It’s great if things go as planned. Or they might take unexpected turns, which is also perfectly okay. Keep an open mind when navigating diverse cultures. Allow for the appreciation of the unique beauty each place has to offer. Instead of sticking to a preplanned agenda, try taking the best from the moment.

Researching before the journey and connecting with people enriches the experience, but pure magic happens when we forge friendships. So, keep an attitude of discovering with the awe of a child. Mindfulness and a conscious effort to avoid entitlement ensure a deeper connection with the destination and its people. That’s when a physical journey becomes a transformative, enriching adventure.

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Experience Udaipur's Creative Pulse At Third Space, An Edutainment Hub By Shivani Singhal Singhal

The next time you plan to visit Udaipur, the city of lakes, don’t just plan to see the palaces and the bazaars or take boat rides on Lake Pichola, Fateh Sagar or any of the several other lakes there. Instead, get a little more adventurous and move out of the city towards Chitrakoot to check out Third Space – an amazing amalgamation of creativity and curiosity that puts the spotlight on the importance of public spaces at the centre of social progress.

A brainchild of Udaipur-based Shivani Singhal, who also runs a not-for-profit organisation called Dharohar, Third Space is an aesthetically designed and environment-friendly home for the curious and the quizzical. Spread over five storeys, it boasts of a science lab, a Jugaad lab, an exhibition hall, a tower, a climbing wall, a cafe, an adventure adda, a backstage, a theatre, a library and a toddler space.

In a chat with Travel+Leisure India & South Asia, Singhal talks about the main philosophy and the need behind creating Third Space.

Excerpts from the interview with Shivani Singhal, Founder of Third Space

T+L India: How would you define Third Space and what was the thought or motivation behind creating it?


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Shivani Singhal: The motivation for creating Third Space mainly came from the American sociologist Ray Oldenburg, who put public spaces at the centre of social progress and harmony. Oldenburg said that any thriving democracy has many ‘third places’ for people – a term that applies to parks, pubs and even post offices, compared to home as the first place and office as the second. And, communities disintegrate when third places fall apart. With that thought in mind, we decided to open Third Space in the City of Lakes to try and reignite the conversation about the importance of public spaces.

T+L India: When did you start putting your plan into action and what is the philosophy behind Third Space?

Shivani Singhal: I started pursuing this project nearly a decade ago. Third Space has been built on the belief that learning leads to inventing. This applies not only to creating scientists and inventors but poets, philosophers and parents, too. We want this space to push the sense of who we are through autonomy and freedom of mind. There is a huge hunger for learning. But we also need to create a space for the community to do so as our core belief is that anyone can learn anything.

T+L India: What does Third Space offer to the visitor?

Shivani Singhal: Spread over five storeys and built on a 14,000-square-metre floor area, Third Space is an aesthetically designed and environment-friendly home for the curious and the quizzical. Each space is designed to allow learning and questioning of the purpose and direction of knowledge, and letting minds create their vision.

T+L India: You have been running Dharohar, a not-for-profit organisation since 2006. Tell us more about it.

Shivani Singhal: Dharohar aims to aid individuals to step up and take charge to face challenges like climate change, poverty and educational inequity. It takes a village to raise a child, nurture a city and build a future. We need resilient communities of lifelong learners. So whether it’s planting a million trees or teaching teenagers to debate, we create structured opportunities for people to volunteer. Our projects span three key areas: Sanskriti – making India’s ancient knowledge accessible to all; 10 lakh vriksh – communities nurturing their lived environments; and Third Spaces – learning to learn in spaces for curiosity, connection, and creation.

Initially, Dharohar ran Khoj from 2012 onwards, an initiative for scientific experiments by school children in Udaipur. It was conducted in a tempo traveller which was exhausting but also amazing at the same time. During that time, we realised two things: one, science is very important. Kids need to understand science and technology. But in today’s world, they also need to understand how to listen to each other and they need a space to be heard, too. So we decided to create some unique spaces for this. Dharohar even ran a Third Space prototype for a decade inside a city mall.

T+L India: What age groups are Third Space open to?


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Shivani Singhal: While working on the concept, we realised that Third Space needs to be a space not just for students, but for young adults, too. There are activity clubs or various fests that happen all year round in schools and colleges. But these options are limited for ages 18 to 35. These people get stuck in their chosen fields or professions and don’t get a chance to pick up anything else. We want [Third Space] to be a space where not just children and students, but people at the start of their adult life can come and push their boundaries or even make out–of–the–box choices. For students, we continue with what we’ve been doing with schools and colleges for years, that is getting them in groups and running a structured learning in the Juggad lab or the Makers Space where they push their curiosity levels. Once the science labs are on, we want them to get creative with inventions and experiments. At the same time, we also need people who can tell stories, create beautiful music or art, make vaccines and take good care of children. Third Space aims to provide the perfect backdrop for all that.

T+L India: What kind of a traveller are you and what activities do you enjoy?

Shivani Singhal: Travel for me is a chance to push my boundaries, connect with new people, and reset my perspective. I look for chances to be out in nature, learn a new skill, and challenge myself — whether that’s climbing, diving, or skateboarding. I love travelling solo, as it pushes me to meet new people and dive deep into the place I’m in. I’m not interested in ticking stuff off a ‘to-do’ or ‘must-see’ list when I travel. I like to have an action-packed trip, where I am free to follow random opportunities and experiences.

T+L India: What makes travel special for you?

Shivani Singhal: The people I meet and the chance conversations bring a place alive for me and make it special. It’s one of the reasons I love carrying my skateboard when I travel–it gives me easy entry into local people’s lives pretty much anywhere in the world! Food is key, too. I find it a great way to connect with people and understand a place.

T+L India: What made Udaipur an ideal location for Third Space?

Shivani Singhal: I think any city in the country or world could be ideal for a Third Space. At a very basic level, Third Space is in Udaipur, because Udaipur is our city. It’s our home town. 

At a more intellectual level, I think Udaipur is a big enough place for this to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. The investment makes sense. There’s enough of an audience who wants to do and be more. At the same time, it’s still a small enough place that we are deeply connected to as a community. In a huge metro city, there are a million opportunities and lots of resources already. A space like this wouldn’t be a game-changer in the same way. For Udaipur, it can, and I hope will be.

Related: Exploring Udaipur’s Countryside On An E-Bike

TAB 2023: Meet Shoba Rudra, Founder Partner Of RARE India Rudra

A pioneer in the world of responsible luxury, Shoba Rudra founded RARE India to showcase and promote some of the most unique destinations in India. Rudra believes mindful interactions with people, culture, nature, wildlife, and traditions will nudge you to live consciously and build value for the planet.

Excerpts from the interview with Shoba Rudra, Founder Partner of RARE India

T+L India: How did the idea of community-driven sustainable tourism first come to you?

Shoba Rudra: The seeds were sown with the first hotel on board RARE India in 2003. It was a small key, owner- run, wildlife lodge set on 40 acres with an open fence and just 12 tents, and it employed the local community. From this point, most of the hotels that joined our community were owner-powered, committed to the destination, and made conscious choices.


T+L India: What are some of the latest trends in sustainable tourism that are here to stay?

Shoba Rudra: We must stop calling sustainability a trend. All hotels and tourism businesses should be built consciously, and [should be] destination-focussed while being community- inclusive. And with governments calling for a net zero goal, it is imminent for every business. Pivot or perish is the inevitable order of the day.

T+L India: What are your personal favourite travel experiences?

Shoba Rudra: Some of the Petrichor experiences (Petrichor by The Blue Yonder provides experiential and immersive travel experiences in India) around issues of climate change are pathbreaking and set you thinking. Their rural rambles along River Nila are private interactions with communities that have been promoting performing arts for generations.

T+L India: What is going to be the upcoming destinations for Indian travellers in the coming years?

Shoba Rudra: Every destination is now inundated. Going forward, stakeholders will have to deliberately drive numbers to places where the tourism footprint is low. For example, Rajasthan in the monsoons, Ladakh in the winters.

T+L India:At a time when social media has made everything easily accessible, how do you truly maintain the sanctity of an experience or destination that is untouched?

Shoba Rudra: In principle, some of the best places should be kept off social media and some experiences should be onsite surprises. Almost every experience should have the potential to be rephrased to match the guest’s pace and interest. Some of our best experiences are committed to secrecy and even the community around doesn’t want the numbers from Instagram addicts.

TAB Selects

A destination that transformed you: Bandhavgarh
One sustainable practice that you’ve adhered to: Segregating and composting organic waste; and no bottled water

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TAB 2023: Meet Prashant Yadav, CEO Of Liberty India Yadav

With a presence in over 80 countries and expertise of over 32 years, Liberty International Tourism Group is a sought-after destination management company. Prashant Yadav, CEO of Liberty India is a master of lesser-known domestic experiences and destinations.

Excerpts from the interview with Prashant Yadav, CEO Of Liberty India

T+L India: You joined Liberty International Tourism Group almost 17 years ago. What are the major changes you’ve seen among travellers over the years?

Prashant Yadav: Travel is becoming more about immersive experiences rather than ticking items off a bucket list. People want to experience a destination like a local. It is becoming more experiential—from authentic local experiences to off-the-beaten-path vacations. Solo travel is becoming more popular, as are mindful retreats. Corporations are now looking for trips where their employees may practise mindfulness through yoga and meditation sessions, individualised therapies, and other activities.

T+L India: Customisations are key for any trip planned by Liberty International Tourism Group. What is the process of crafting these experiences?

Prashant Yadav: It commences with a comprehensive consultation, where our expert advisors engage with clients to understand their preferences, desires, and goals. [We look at the] client’s hobbies, interests, and what they wish to achieve out of the proposed trip. Next, our dedicated team collaborates to design a unique itinerary that aligns with the client’s vision. This includes selecting suitable accommodations, arranging private tours, and ensuring seamless logistics. Once the plan is approved, we meticulously execute the trip, taking care of every detail. Continuous communication and adaptability throughout the journey ensure a flawless experience.

T+L India:  How are you adapting to the rise of AI-generated itineraries?

Prashant Yadav: There’s no denying that AI can generate customer- focussed itineraries within minutes. But nothing beats the human touch. At Liberty, we rely on our in-house travel wizards— our project managers— who are encyclopedias on the destinations they represent. They’re intimately familiar with every destination—from hole-in-the-wall cafes and hidden jewels to ultra-local experiences.

T+L India: Travel has the potential to transform people. What have been the most transformative travel experiences for you? 

Prashant Yadav: Time stood still in Ladakh. [At one point] I experienced a deep meditative state when I stood transfixed in one spot for over five hours and refused to move as I had never witnessed a creation so beautiful. I don’t think I would ever find the words to describe the impact it had on me! I could see the light turquoise river, gently grazing dunes, a deep green thicket of trees, a small village, bare rocks sans any blades of flora, and a deep snow cap above it—all in one frame! My multiple trips to Israel and Palestine [were also transformative]. One needs to witness the energies of that land in person.

TAB Selects

A domestic destination that you keep going back to: Bikaner and Coorg
Emerging destinations: Domestically, Madhya Pradesh; and internationally, Montenegro

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TAB 2023: Meet Loveleen Arun, Founder-Director Of Panache World Arun

Passionate about offbeat and meaningful travel, Loveleen Arun founded Panache World, a premier travel company that curates niche experiences for its customers. Her deep understanding of the Indian luxury travel market makes Panache World a preferred choice for many travellers.

Excerpts from the interview with Loveleen Arun, Founder-Director Of Panache World

T+L India: Panache World is over two decades old. How has the travel landscape evolved?

Loveleen Arun: The travel landscape has become so much more meaningful. One of the most significant shifts is the way people approach travel. In the early 2000s, tourists were often content with surface-level experiences and checking off major attractions. Today, we see a shift—from being mere tourists to becoming in- depth travellers who yearn to connect with the soul of their destinations. The internet and social media have democratised travel information. Travellers research destinations extensively and often have a clear vision of what they want to experience.


T+L India: According to you, what are the travel trends that will dominate 2024?

Loveleen Arun: Two things are bound to happen soon—a new and emphasised focus is going to be on sustainable travel. People are making informed choices about where they will stay or what they will experience to make sure that these entities are providing livelihood to the local communities and that they are not impacting the destination or the environment negatively.Secondly, travellers are taking to slow travel in a big way. No one wants to rush through the places clicking pictures. They want to stay longer, get to know people, and appreciate the local culture. How do you think experiential travel has transformed the industry? The rise of experiential travel has redefined the way the travel industry functions. Travellers no longer seek opulent accommodations alone; they desire immersive experiences. Destinations, experiential hotels, and tourism boards have understood this and have invested a lot in training the luxury designers in various geographies. Hotels have had to up their game—making sure they have hyper-local sourcing, employ people from local communities, and use sustainable materials for construction. Destinations now know they must cater to varying interests and this has given rise to small entrepreneurs in most tourist regions.

T+L India:Which destinations are becoming increasingly popular among Indian travellers?

Loveleen Arun: Indian travellers are already exploring every part of the world—from Scandinavia to Antarctica and the Galápagos Islands to New Zealand—and will continue to be the first ones in their circle to explore a new region. The Indian traveller, especially in the luxury segment, is evolving to savour destinations such as Namibia, Botswana, Mongolia, Ecuador, Raja Ampat, and more.

TAB Selects

A transformative travel experience: Lizard Island in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.
Bucket list destinations for 2024: Central Asia and Okavango Delta in Botswana

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TAB 2023: Meet Jai Sharma, Founder Of Envelop Sharma

Ditching his engineering days to fan his love for curating experiences, Jai Sharma founded Envelop, an experiential marketing firm that specialises in larger-than-life installations and brand personalisation. With this creative vision and expertise in storytelling, Envelop is looking to revolutionise traditional marketing, one experience at a time.

Excerpts from the interview with Jai Sharma, Founder Of Envelop

T+L India: What are some experiences signature to Envelop and what are the challenges you face while bringing them to life?

Jai Sharma: Dinner Show—a collision of Broadway with casual dining—is Envelop’s copyrighted love child! It combines a restaurant meal with a staged play or musical. It requires the management of a live theatre, a restaurant and a bar, where guests watch, listen, eat, drink, and breathe the story.

Jai Sharma

However, with live entertainment, you have little control. Getting the client to agree with the idea is challenging. People don’t understand [its] commercial value, high costs, and technicalities but they tend to fancy [similar experiences] abroad. Secondly, Indians don’t give performance arts and artists their due respect. With Dinner Show, we aim to change this. Wild Party is another Envelop signature. We do bizarre the best—be it YOLO, Pop Party, or Wild Disco. Using multimedia is the biggest challenge for such experiences. A bizarre set-up isn’t about pulling random stuff together in a place. It is also about narrating a story through an experience that marries contrasting materials harmoniously, keeping their energies alive while achieving visual balance.

T+L India: How do you strike a balance between your creative freedom and the client’s vision?

Jai Sharma: By being rigid and educating the client in a language they can understand. My business personality is to harness the power of visualisation and understanding of human psychology.

T+L India: How do you think experiential marketing will transform in the coming years?

Jai Sharma: [It is] the future in India. Post the pandemic, everyone understands the importance of physical connections and experiential marketing is all about that. In its truest form, [it] is narrating a brand story through a physical experience by involving the five senses. Technology has become the flagbearer of marketing activations. In the coming years, we will experiment with all these elements, but circle back to the importance of human installations, performing arts, and listening to the story through a human instead of watching it virtually. It will become more and more boutique [as opposed to] traditional marketing. It will be very design oriented, and details will matter. It will be all about storytelling and narration.

TAB Selects

Favourite theme to execute: Disco! It is all about how we can contemporise the retro disco for
today’s palate.
Favourite party destination: Dubai, owing to the distance. If I have time on my hands, then New York City

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TAB 2023: Meet Ajeet Bajaj, Managing Director Of Snow Leopard Adventures Bajaj

Snow Leopard Adventures was founded in the ’90s when adventure tourism was still in its nascent stage in India. The man behind the company, Ajeet Bajaj, is a daredevil himself. He is a Padma Shri awardee, and also the first Indian to complete the Polar Trio by skiing to the North Pole, the South Pole, and the Greenland Ice Cap.

Excerpts from the interview with Ajeet Bajaj, Managing Director Of Snow Leopard Adventures

T+L India: Adventure tourism is growing in popularity. How did you come up with the idea of starting Snow Leopard Adventures, and what unique experiences do you offer adventure enthusiasts?

Ajeet Bajaj: My expeditions and travels across the world exposed me to the vast potential of adventure tourism. For me, adventure isn’t just a hobby; it’s a passion and a profession. Recognising India’s diverse landscapes brimming with unexplored avenues, I was inspired to establish Snow Leopard Adventures in 1990.

Our mission is to offer genuine, unforgettable, and sustainable experiences that bring individuals closer to nature. We meticulously curate trips including river rafting, trekking, mountaineering, sea kayaking, and wildlife safaris, both in the Indian subcontinent and globally.

T+L India: You’ve received numerous awards and recognitions for your contributions to adventure and tourism. What achievements are you most proud of in your career?

Ajeet Bajaj: While I truly appreciate the awards, the moments I cherish the most are the adventures I’ve had with my daughters, Deeya and Meghna—going kayaking, scuba diving, and skiing with them. Watching them flourish in the great outdoors fills my heart with immense pride. More than just a personal achievement, our experiences together convey a powerful message to our society—when given the opportunity, proper guidance, and encouragement, our girls can tackle any challenge and achieve unparalleled heights.

T+L India: What role do you see adventure and exploration playing in promoting environmental conservation?

Ajeet Bajaj: Adventure and exploration serve as a bridge, connecting individuals directly to the wonders of nature and the vulnerabilities of our ecosystem. There’s an unparalleled understanding that comes from witnessing phenomena like melting polar ice caps. Such experiences instill a profound respect for the environment, driving adventurers to become ambassadors for conservation and guardians of the pristine beauty they’ve been privileged to witness.

T+L India: What are some of the new adventure destinations around the world that you would recommend? 

Ajeet Bajaj: India’s incredible North East is a mosaic of cultures, landscapes, and untapped adventures waiting to be explored; rafting in the Grand Canyon in the US is exhilarating; scuba diving in the Galapagos Islands; exploring Bhutan’s hidden treks; skiing in the Alps; and expeditions to Antarctica.

TAB Selects

Favourite adventure destination: India followed by the US for its world-class wilderness areas and highest safety and sustainability standards.
Travel essentials: First-aid kit, water bottle (to avoid single-use plastic), chocolate, sense of humour, and a spirit of adventure.

Related: TAB 2023: Meet Vasim Shaikh, Founder And CEO Of The Q Experiences

TAB 2023: Meet Taruna Seth, Founder And Navigator-in-chief, Encompass Seth

It was an urge to rewrite the tenets of experiential luxury travel that made Taruna Seth launch Encompass Experiences. The company focusses on unique, customised, and sustainable travel to ensure every customer has a superlative experience.

Excerpts from the interview with Taruna Seth, Founder And Navigator-in-chief, Encompass

T+L India: With an international relations degree, you have worked across various fields and travelled extensively as well. What led you to launch Encompass Experiences?


Taruna Seth: I’ve always believed that travel is critical to self- discovery. For me, travel is like living and breathing. Travel makes us better people because it allows us to prioritise ourselves and introspect. When we challenge ourselves, we automatically contribute more to the world.

T+L India: Encompass caters to the luxury travel segment. What are the things you pay attention to while curating an immersive experiential tour?

Taruna Seth: Attention to detail is a crucial aspect of luxury travel planning. Luxury travellers often have high expectations and seek personalised unique experiences. As a luxury travel designer, it is essential to pay close attention to every detail to ensure a seamless and memorable trip for our clients. Everything—from the right luxury accommodation that aligns with our client’s persona to timely communication and curating the right and the best-in- class experiences for them— is catered to. Our greatest strength is preempting what our clients may not have even thought of.

T+L India: How do you align luxury travel with sustainable tourism?

Taruna SethOf late, many service providers are striving to make sustainable practices n luxury experiential travel more mainstream by involving local communities and educating guests on how to reduce their carbon footprint. Encompass Experiences curates many sustainability- focussed travel experiences. When we curate journeys, we encourage involvement with the local community. We work closely with hotels that ensure that they offset their presence in a remote destination by implementing practices that are not only ethical but also involve the local community.

T+L India: From popular European tourist destinations to India’s tiger parks, many destinations are faced with the bane of overtourism. How should overtourism be addressed?

Taruna Seth: Addressing overtourism is a complex issue that requires a multi-faceted approach involving various stakeholders including governments, local communities, tourism boards, and travellers themselves. In luxury travel, we work with partners who implement effective destination management strategies that focus on sustainable tourism development.This includes setting limits on visitor numbers, regulating accommodation options, and diversifying tourism offerings beyond overcrowded hotspots. We also encourage travellers to visit lesser-known destinations by promoting their unique attractions. This helps distribute tourism demand more evenly throughout the year and across different regions.

T+L India:With the digital media rife with suggestions on how to plan an itinerary, are travel planners still relevant today?

Taruna Seth: In the world of information saturation, travel planners can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their experience and expertise. Besides being able to offer a highly personalised programme, travel planners have access to exclusive deals and benefits through their networks and relationships. Real-time support and assistance are other perks.

TAB Selects

A destination that transformed you: Peru’s rich cultural heritage, natural beauty, spiritual experiences and vibrant cuisine
Favourite family holiday destination: Korea

TAB 2023: Meet Tina Tharwani And Saurabh Malhotra, Co-founders Of Shaadi Squad Squad

Since its launch in 2015, Shaadi Squad has been mounting glitzy celebrity weddings—from Virat- Anushka to Priyanka-Jonas—at exotic locales. Co-founders Tina Tharwani and Saurabh Malhotra are the driving force at every one of these weddings and ensure that they become life-changing experiences.

Excerpts from the interview with Tina Tharwani & Saurabh Malhotra, Co-founders of Shaadi Squad:

T+L India: What’s new with Shaadi Squad?

Tina & Saurabh: This year we’ve tapped into two new destinations— Bali and Andaman.We never looked at the Andaman as a potential wedding destination because of logistical and operational constraints but are very excited to foray into this region and see what lies ahead.

T+L India: Which destinations in India offer a transformative wedding experience, according to you?

Tina & Saurabh: Uttarakhand, Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Darjeeling, Andaman Island, Wayanad in Kerala, and Jaipur in Rajasthan offer unique experiences for guests.

T+L India: What are some sustainable practices that Shaadi Squad incorporates in its preparations?

Shaadi Squad

Tina & Saurabh: We consciously try to incorporate the local culture and craftsmanship of the destination where the wedding is happening. For a wedding that we executed in Jaipur last year, we identified a local hand- block printing manufacturer and curated giveaways for guests entirely based on this printing technique. We have been recommending sustainable packaging options to curate hampers for our clients and work with a brand named EcoKaari for our weddings that recycles plastic to make foldable trays and bags. The waste generated at the end of a wedding we planned in Chennai was taken to a local recycling centre. We have sourced unique fragrances for guests from a small village called Kannauj that has been distilling scents in India for decades. I think the easiest way to make the wedding sustainable is by sourcing things locally and empowering the local craft.

T+L India: Can you share one unique wedding you have been a part of?

Tina & Saurabh: Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli’s intimate wedding in Tuscany will always hold a special place in our hearts. The entire wedding was kept under wraps and planned in about four months. This was also the first big celebrity wedding we did, and nothing supersedes the amount of love we received and keep receiving for this one!

T+L India: What trends do you see in the Indian wedding market in the future?

Tina & Saurabh: Post pandemic, people have gravitated towards more and more intimate, subdued, and personalised affairs. Gone are the days of outlandish entries of brides and grooms. New-age couples want their weddings to be fun, understated, and close-knit. People want to focus more on the experience. Food and bar experience has taken a wonderful shift—interactive eclectic food stations are preferred. People want to explore offbeat destinations and boutique properties and ensure that guests have enough space to enjoy the destination without keeping the itinerary too crunched.

TAB Selects

An emerging wedding destination in India: Ranthambore
One destination that has inspired you: Tuscany, Italy

Related: Indian Elegance: 10 Enchanting Wedding Destinations For Your Big Day
