Dining Vietnamese Coffee: All You Need To Know About This Brew-ti-ful Cuppa

Vietnamese Coffee: All You Need To Know About This Brew-ti-ful Cuppa

With bold and nutty flavours, Vietnamese coffee has developed a cult among coffee lovers. Today we are going to learn all about it.


By Sreetama Basu Published on Oct 01, 2023, 03:00 PM

Vietnamese Coffee: All You Need To Know About This Brew-ti-ful Cuppa

For coffee connoisseurs around the world, the boom in Vietnam’s coffee culture has benefited them a-latte! In fact, one of the contributing factors to the boost in their tourism is their world-class coffee. With bold and nutty flavours, Vietnamese coffee has developed a cult of its own among coffee lovers. Today, we are going to learn all about Vietnamese coffee, its origin, history, and more.

The second largest producer of coffee in the world, Vietnam grows its own coffee and that is basically what Vietnamese coffee is. However, around the world, it is more widely known as a specific brewing style. Also, after rice, coffee is Vietnam’s largest exported commodity and it accounts for over 18% of global coffee exports. A unique variety of coffee, most of us have tried this and also fallen in love with, but if you want to brush up on your coffee GK, you are at the right place.

All you need to know about Vietnamese coffee


If we look at the history of coffee, it dates back to 1857, the year it was first discovered. A French Catholic priest was hoping to establish a new business and with that aim, he brought an Arabica tree to northern Vietnam. He made a lot of efforts, but it took until the 1900s for the Robusta beans to reach the country’s central highlands. Here, the region offers the perfect climate and soil conditions for growing coffee.

Vietnamese coffee

Thus began the plantations all over Dak Lak province in Vietnam and its neighbouring areas. This led to a huge boom in the business over the next few decades. But what made Vietnam establish global dominance in the coffee world were the Doi Moi economic reforms of 1986 and 1987, which opened up Vietnam for trade.

Characteristics of Vietnamese coffee

There are several features of this blend of coffee that sets it apart from any other coffee in the world. They are as follows:

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It is naturally stronger

The robusta beans of this coffee have twice the caffeine content of arabica coffees that are found in most countries. In fact, this coffee variant has quite a strong and bold flavour. So, a little bit of coffee goes a long way.

It is more sustainable

Robusta coffee beans can grow anywhere between sea level and high altitudes, as opposed to Arabica coffee, which has to be grown at high altitudes and tropical climates. Also, robusta beans are naturally more resistant to diseases and pests due to their higher concentrations of caffeine.

Dark roast

One of the most distinct features of this variety of coffee is that it is dark roast, as opposed to arabica beans, which are majorly light to medium roast.

Coarse grind

If you are planning to buy Vietnamese coffee, you will find they are sold in coarse grind. This is because Vietnamese coffee is made using traditional phin filters, which needs coarsely ground coffee for the best brew.

How to make Vietnamese coffee?

As we all know, the most unique thing about Vietnamese coffee flavour is the use of condensed milk. Here’s a foolproof way of how to make Vietnamese coffee on your own.

Hero Image: Courtesy Thuyen Ngo/Unsplash; Featured Image: Courtesy Demi DeHerrera/Unsplash

This story first appeared here

Related:  Instant Coffee: Origin, Types And How To Make It

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– What is special about Vietnamese coffee?

Vietnamese robusta beans contain nearly twice the caffeine amount of arabica coffees found in most countries. A little goes a long way.

– Why is Vietnamese coffee so strong?

Vietnamese coffee is strong because most of it is robusta coffee, which has nearly twice the caffeine content of arabica coffee.

– How is Vietnamese coffee prepared?

Coffee in Vietnam is prepared like nowhere else. Without the need for a fancy machine or being an expert in beverage preparation, the coffee maker pours hot water into a mini percolator of rich, dark beans on top of a glass.

– Is Vietnamese coffee tasty?

Vietnamese Arabica is also known for its smoothness, making the bean variety perfect for coffee amateurs and fanatics alike.

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