Travel and Leisure Asia | India The World's Most Influential Travel Magazine Wed, 06 Dec 2023 09:30:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 and Leisure Asia | India 32 32 Astro-Wanderlust: Your Zodiac-Inspired Travel Guide For 2024 to travel in 2024

Exploring new places while letting our innate adventurous spirit take over may not be second nature for all the zodiac signs. Astrologically speaking, the inspiration to move around and travel is influenced by the current positions of stars and planets. Regardless of the astrological sign, everyone will feel the need to take a break at some point in 2024. Our list of international destinations explores the perfect places to travel to in 2024, based on your zodiac sign.

Where you should travel to in 2024, based on your zodiac sign

Aries (March 21-April 19): Phuket

places to travel in 2024
Image credit: Valeriy Ryasnyanskiy/Unsplash

Diverse and breathtakingly beautiful, the forever sunny golden island of Phuket in Thailand is one of the best places to travel to for the fiery Arians, who like to pause and play in their lives from time to time. The ram, symbolising Aries, has always been the most spontaneous of all signs. Phuket perfectly matches this fiery energy and offers them an action-packed trip complete with a plethora of experiences to choose from. The tropical climate adequately suits their sunny disposition.

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Taurus (April 20-May 20): Zurich

places to travel in 2024
Image credit: Marco Meyer/Unsplash

One of the fanciest places to travel to on earth, Zurich in Switzerland is a perfect 2024 hotspot for the indulgent zodiac sign of Taurus. The earth sign, denoted by a celestial bull, is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and money. This explains their expensive taste in life, which is reflected in their travel habits too. The snow-capped mountains, natural beauty and luxury hotels of this place will soothe their souls.

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Gemini (May 21-June 20): Vietnam

places to travel in 2024
Image credit: Ruslan Bardash/Unsplash

Symbolised by the twins, Gemini is an air sign representing duality in the zodiac chart. Geminis are vivacious, flirty, social and always in search of new experiences. Vietnam will be the go-to place for them to visit in 2024 because it offers gorgeous mountains, vast lands of paddy fields, a UNESCO World Heritage site and vibrant cuisine to tickle their tastebuds.

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Cancer (June 21-July 22): Havelock Island

places to travel in 2024
Image credit: Payal Vaghasiya/Unsplash

Yet another South Asian wonder, the Havelock Island in the Andamans is famous for its pristine beaches, which have remained somewhat untouched by humans. The island also provides the best diving experiences for visitors. This crustacean water sign likes to escape and hibernate away from the hustle and bustle of day-to-day life, and therefore, they would be perfectly at home at this destination complete with exotic marine life and luxury resorts.

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Leo (July 23-August 22): Birmingham

travel zodiac 2024
Image credit: Gabriel McCallin/Unsplash

The second-largest city in Britain, Birmingham has a rich heritage with majestic architecture, including historic monuments and new-age buildings. It also is famous for its local cuisine and shopping experiences. The royal sign of Leo would love to explore Birmingham, as they love everything on a grand scale. Contemporary art, world-class restaurants and charming new hotels make this a must-visit place for the Leos.

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Virgo (August 23-September 22): Kashmir

places to travel in 2024
Image credit: Praneet Kumar/Unsplash

Kashmir is called the heaven on earth and is arguably the most beautiful place in India. Its lush valleys, snow-laden mountains, and famous shikaras on the world-famous Dal Lake are on the bucket list of global travellers. The earth sign of Virgo seeks perfection in every aspect of life, and planning a holiday is no different for them. They would enjoy conceptualising and executing their trip to this breathtaking destination as it will give them the scope to carve out a perfect vacation for themselves and their loved ones.

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Libra (September 23-October 22): Barcelona

Image credit: Leyre/Unsplash

Primarily known for its famous football club, Barcelona is an exciting place to be as travellers are spoiled here with versatile dining and party scenes. But the fun does not end here, for this city is also home to some of the best museums and beautiful natural sights in the world. The Venusian air sign of Libra, denoted by the weighing scale, craves such a perfect balance.

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Scorpio (October 23-November 21): Kyrgyzstan

central asia
Image credit: Oziel Gómez/Unsplash

Scorpio, represented by the scorpion, is one of the most misunderstood zodiac signs because of their intensity, passion and slightly dark outlook towards life. They are ruled by Pluto, the planet of darkness, destruction and rebirth. Because of their inherent traits, Scorpios tend to choose off-beat destinations, and Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia is sure to stimulate their intelligent and intuitive senses. The place is full of old bazaars, architecture influenced by Russian colonisation, and a unique dining scene.

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Sagittarius (November 22-December 21): Masai Mara

travel zodiac 2024
Image credit: Michael Rodock/Unsplash

Masai Mara is an African wonderland, perfect for adventure-seekers who are genuine explorers, always bitten by a wanderlust bug. Sagittarius is symbolised by an archer and is the most thrill-seeking sign on the zodiac wheel because it is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of travel. Sagittarians would love to experience the wildlife safaris at its National Park and to be one with the animal kingdom.

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Capricorn (December 22-January 19): Austria

places to travel in 2024
Image credit: Joss Woodhead/Unsplash

Austria is known for its awe-inspiring nature, grand ballet and opera venues, and palaces on beautiful gardens. Captured on the big screen and popular for its stunning views, this destination, and not just its capital city, Vienna, is one of the most scenic places to travel to in Europe in 2024. Capricorn is a sign denoted by the sea goat and ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline. After working hard and focusing on their duties, Capricorns need a break to let themselves loose, relax and unwind. There is no better destination than Austria, which could offer them all this and more.

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Aquarius (January 20-February 18): The Amazon

Image credit: David Riaño Cortés/Pexels

The main Aquarian trait is to be humanitarian, progressive and giving towards the community. The greatest and densest forest on the planet is the perfect playground for this intelligent air sign. Unlike the other two air signs, Gemini and Libra, Aquarius does not like to mingle with people as it is more comfortable introspecting alone. Hence, the Brazilian Ecuadorian forest is the perfect place for this zodiac sign to travel to in 2024.

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Pisces (February 19-March 20): Phi Phi Islands

phi phi
Image credit: Dan Voican/Pexels

Meditative, calm and peaceful, the last zodiac sign is Pisces, denoted by the twin fish swimming in opposite directions. Often accused of being slightly cut off from reality, they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreams and fantasies. The Phi Phi Islands in Thailand provide the fish a much-needed break from routine as they immerse themselves in the clear blue waters here.

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(Hero and featured image credit: Kelsey Knight/Unsplash)

Related: Starlit Escapes In India: Uncover Ideal Travel Destinations For 2024 With Zodiac Insights

Reverse Type 2 Diabetes The Atmantan Way And Travel The World Fearlessly

Time and again, India has been named the world’s diabetes capital. In India, there are an estimated 77 million people above the age of 18 years who are suffering from Type 2 Diabetes and nearly 25 million are prediabetics (at a higher risk of developing diabetes in near future)!

Diagnosing Diabetes


Type 1 Diabetes is an auto-immune condition where the pancreas produces little to no insulin. Often, these are genetically inclined but could be triggered due to external factors as well. 

Celebrities across the world are testament to this fact. Take American singer, songwriter and actor Nick Jonas, for instance. Taking to social media to raise awareness of the disease, the entertainer has been vocal about being diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 13.

The sweet news, though, is that Type 2 Diabetes is manageable — and — in some cases — reversible, too. Type 2 is when the way the body uses and processes blood sugar is affected by one’s lifestyle.

“Diabetes can have early warning symptoms that are usually ignored. Increase in thirst and frequent urination are typical signs that the body is trying to get rid of extra glucose. When the body is unable to use sugar for fuel, it might result in unexplained weight loss even with regular or excess eating. When it is associated with Insulin resistance, one can also see an unexplained weight gain. Other early warning indicators include fatigue, impaired vision, and slow-healing wounds. Diabetics can also experience persistent infections, tingling or numbness in the hands or feet.” explains Dr. Manoj Kutteri, CEO & Medical Director, Atmantan Wellness Centre.

Stories of Success

Now aged 31, Jonas, suffering from the genetically-inclined Type 1 Diabetes, has publicly admitted to being more mindful about his diet and fitness, which includes monitoring his sugar levels regularly. Like him, actors including Sonam A Kapoor, Kamal Haasan, Samantha Prabhu and Sudha Chandran are also successfully thriving with Type 1 Diabetes. Other actors such as Tom Hanks, Larry King, Drew Carey, Delta Burke and Gaurav Kapur, have also found ways to control their chronic Type 2 ailments despite leading strenuous lifestyles. 

These success stories, however, are just not reserved for those on the upper rungs of the social and economic ladders. While Type 1 diabetes centres around prevention and treatments, Type 2 can be reversed under proper guidance and support. Atmantan, a result-oriented integrated wellness centre in Pune, offers personalised doctor-guided programmes to help individuals create a lifestyle overhaul and achieve their wellness goals. The case study of a 62-year-old guest being able to reverse his Type 2 Diabetes at the wellness centre is a testament to this. 

“When I checked into Atmantan, they connected me to the diabetic risk profiler. I was told that I am in the moderate risk category,” tells the patient. His creatinine and triglycerides were on the higher side, leading to calcification in blood vessels that resulted in high pressures, too. Further diagnoses revealed that he was at a risk of developing kidney stones as well. But within 30 days of leading the Atmantan Way of Life, the man successfully reversed his six-year-old Type 2 Diabetes.

Reversing Diabetes with Atmantan

Seeing integrated wellness as the means to treat (or reverse, in the case of Type 2) Diabetes, Atmantan addresses underlying factors that contribute to the condition. While personalised programmes are the core of any treatment here, they all begin with proper diagnostics to chart the plan of action. This includes analysing lifestyles, blood work, arterial health, vascular ageing, and more to pinpoint any deviations or corrections. Tailored programmes follow suit.

Diet and Nutrition

Healthy Eating

Noting that most diseases kickstart in the gut, the doctors at Atmantan craft a personalised nutrition plan for the duration of the stay. The low carb high-fat plan is grain-free, sugar-free, and anti-inflammatory. Instead, unprocessed foods with healing fats are recommended. The doctors also address nutrient deficiencies, inflammation, overuse of medications and changes in hormones with the right food.

Physical Activity


Diets need to be backed by regular physical activity to achieve a healthy weight. This, backed by boosting blood sugar metabolism, is the ideal long-term strategy to keep blood glucose levels in check. The wellness centre offers a combination of core conditioning, Theraband exercises for muscle toning, therapeutic yoga, aqua and aerobic exercises, muscle strengthening and more to assist and kickstart the body’s natural healing and optimal hormonal mechanism.

Stress Management


Diabetic disorders can escalate with inflammations and hormonal imbalances — a direct result of stress mismanagement. The Atmantan Way of Life incorporates stress reduction techniques such as therapeutic yoga, meditation, deep breathing exercises, and mindfulness practices.

Adequate Sleep


Sleep deprivation directly increases inflammation, in turn heightening the risk of diabetes. Lack of sleep can also negatively affect hormonal balance and glucose metabolism. The doctors at the welness centre guide patients towards appropriate sleep hygiene habits that can improve sleep parameters in the long run for sufficient restorative healing.

Education and Support

Understanding any medical condition and knowing how to manage, control or even reverse it independently is crucial for sustaining good health. Doctors at Atmantan routinely share information on the patient’s condition, guiding one to make informed lifestyle modifications even beyond the stay. They also have established a comprehensive Atmantan Aftercare programme wherein the team offers continuous support to the guests even after they have checked out.

Mind and Body Practices


The integrated mind-body approach at Atmantan includes practices of gastro packs and therapies, cupping, energy healing, pranayama, mediation, and counselling to improve and reduce inflammation and hormonal imbalances.

Herbal and Natural Remedies

Certain herbal supplements and nutraceuticals, such as Dia-solve, Omega-3 fatty acids, Ivy Gourd, Indian Barberry, and Pterocarpus Marsupium are known to have positive effects on metabolising blood sugars. The trained doctors of Atmantan also possess knowledge of integrative medicine to prescribe natural formations.

To know more about Atmantan’s retreat programmes, click here.

All photographs courtesy: Atmantan

Related: How Has Wellness Travel Revolutionised In The Indian Hospitality?

Starlit Escapes In India: Uncover Ideal Travel Destinations For 2024 With Zodiac Insights to visit as per zodiac sign 2024

Have you ever wondered why the wanderlust bug seems to bite some people often, prompting them to move around more than others? While some of us prefer to adhere to our routines and unwind in the comfort of our homes with loved ones, astrology suggests that your big three – the Sun sign, the moon sign and the rising sign – play a significant role in ascertaining whether you are an adventurous spirit or prefer to stay homebound. Let insights from astrology guide you to your ideal destination. Here are some places to visit based on your zodiac sign in 2024.

Zodiac wonders: How astrological elements shape your travel choices

All 12 zodiac signs are divided into four elements: earth, fire, water and air, with core characteristics formed based on these elements. For example, earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are stable and grounded in their approach. They prefer to play it safe, even when it comes to their travel choices, and opt for locations that are tried and tested.

Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) are impulsive and easily excitable. Their love for exploration and experimentation is reflected in the way they travel, with a thrill-seeking temperament that leads them to action-packed travel schedules.

Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are intelligent souls who love to contemplate and socialise. They prefer destinations that allow them to explore art and culture, providing food for their brains. They are more likely to embark on a road trip than follow a guided tour.

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces) are emotionally deep, contemplative and intense of all zodiacs. They often take a path less travelled, seeking peace and calm. Slow travel is their thing, and they are often seen choosing meditative retreats.

2024 travel: The ideal places to visit based on zodiac

Aries (21 March-19 April): Shillong

 Places to visit as per zodiac sign 2024
Image credit: Rasheda Akter/Unsplash

Bold, courageous and confident, this fire sign, symbolised by the ram, will love to explore the unchartered territories of northeast India. The lush greenery, rich wildlife, exotic cuisine and the culture of Shillong are alluring to this spontaneous and enterprising sign. Not surprisingly, this historically rich modern town in Meghalaya is on the bucket list of many Arians.

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Taurus (20 April-20 May): Darjeeling

Places to visit as per zodiac sign 2024
Image: Courtesy of Joy Amed/Unsplash

Charming, quiet, collected and consistent, Taurus (an earth sign) symbolised by the bull is deeply rooted in reality but also wants to indulge in worldly pleasures. Darjeeling, a fan-favourite hill station known for its verdant tea gardens, quaint cafes, sublime weather, and, of course, the majestic Eastern Himalayas, is the dream-come-true destination for this luxury-loving sign.

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Gemini (21 May-20 June): Mumbai

places to visit as per zodiac
Image credit: Renzo D’souza/Unsplash

A bustling metropolis and the financial capital of India, Mumbai has many cities in one. From the colonial architecture of South Mumbai to the happening nightlife of Western suburbs, there is much that this air sign, denoted by the twins, can choose from. With beaches, trendy cafes, museums and a vibrant street food scene, this curious and social sign would be spoiled for choice!

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Cancer (21 June-22 July): Andamans

zodiac travel
Image credit: Deepak Kumar/Unsplash

Remote and cut off from the mainland, the exotic islands of Andamans are perfect for the emotional water sign of Cancer, denoted by the crab. Here’s why: this crustacean sign is ruled by the moon, which is why it is very sentimental and an overthinker. They are not necessarily travel-oriented, but when they do travel, they seek peace and calm. Crabs are generally inclined towards going to places that are away from the hustle and bustle of human civilisation. The Andamans tick all these boxes perfectly well.

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Leo (23 July-22 August): Jaipur

places to visit as per zodiac
Image credit: Aditya Siva/Unsplash

Royal in stature and large-hearted in dealings with the world, this sign could be called the king or queen of the zodiac. This optimistic fire sign is symbolised by the sun and is, therefore, very self-assured. They want to make everything grand, and what better way for them to celebrate this spirit than to spend a holiday in the Rajput palaces of Jaipur in Rajasthan?

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Virgo (23 August-22 September): Ajanta caves

zodiac travel
Image credit: Aman.arch/ CC BY-SA 4.0/ Wikimedia Commons

This UNESCO World Heritage site boasts Buddhist caves dating from the first and second centuries BCE to the fifth and sixth centuries AD. Awe-inspiring and beautiful, this national treasure will impress the fastidious earth sign of Virgo. Symbolised by the maiden or the virgin, Virgos are detail-oriented and very organised, making these man-made wonders catch their meticulous eye.

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Also read – 2024 Wanderlust: Must-Visit Destinations In India For Your Travel Wishlist

Libra (23 September-22 October): Pune

Places to visit as per zodiac sign 2024
Image credit: Abhishek Gaikwad/Unsplash

If Mumbai is New York, then Pune could be the Los Angeles of Maharashtra. Historic, cultured and peppered with royal influences from the Peshwa rule, this city is perfect for the artistic, stylish and well-rounded personality of this air sign.

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Scorpio (23 October-21 November): Spiti Valley

zodiac travel
Image credit: Anmol Arora/Unsplash

This gorgeous region of the Trans-Himalayan mountain ranges serves as the best backdrop for this intense water sign to explore. Scorpio, symbolised by a scorpion, often chooses an off-beat destination that is challenging in terms of its crisp mountain air, topography, and fewer tourists. This region with snowy mountains matches well with its reclusive but intuitive and passionate nature.

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Sagittarius (22 November-21 December): Goa

Image credit: Sumit Sourav/Unsplash

This fire sign, symbolised by the archer, has Jupiter as its ruling planet, representing adventure. No surprises here; Sagittarius is the most thrill-seeking sign in the zodiac. Outgoing and fond of parties, Goa, the party capital of the world, offers myriad experiences, from casinos to quiet beaches: The sky is the limit here!

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Capricorn (22 December-19 January): Agra

Image credit: Jovyn Chamb/Unsplash

One automatically thinks of the Taj Mahal with the mention of Agra. This city steeped in Mughal history and culture has a lot to offer to the knowledge-seeking, disciplined mind of this earth sign, symbolised by the sea goat. Capricorns would be fascinated with the tombs, forts, mausoleums, and markets of this old city. Agra is, therefore, one of the best places to visit in 2024 based on the zodiac.

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Aquarius (20 January-18 February): Kashmir

Image credit: Praneet Kumar/Unsplash

Aquarius, an air sign denoted by the symbol of a water bearer, is the most forward-thinking, progressive and community-oriented of all the sun signs. The breathtaking landscapes of Kashmir are perfect for them, as they can immerse themselves in the rich culture of this place, also known as the heaven on earth!

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Pisces (19 February-20 March): Kerala

Image credit: Nature Photographer/Unsplash

The last of all zodiacs, this one sign is calm, peaceful, collected and very meditative. Pisces, a water sign, dislikes confrontation and is often more inclined towards finding a spiritual retreat to unwind. Kerala, with its backwaters and Ayurvedic camps, offers everything that a true-blue Piscean needs to enjoy a holiday.

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(Feature Image Credit: Ibrahim Rifath/Unsplash)

Related: Chase The Chill: Winter Travel Escapes For Your Zodiac Sign

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-Why should we consider zodiac signs before travelling?

Astrology and travel go hand in hand through a practice known as astrography. This approach aligns individuals with their lucky places based on their zodiac signs and birth charts. By charting your journey according to your zodiac, you can pinpoint destinations that resonate with your soul and fulfil your expectations. Explore the places to visit based on your zodiac sign in 2024 for a truly personalised travel experience.

-How to plan a family travel according to zodiac signs?

When planning family travel, consider destinations that cater to the interests of each zodiac sign within the group. Choosing a place that offers something for everyone ensures a harmonious and enjoyable experience for the entire family.

-What are the best road trips to take based on zodiac signs?

For the adventurous souls of Sagittarius, Gemini, and Aries, road trips beckon across the country. Travel to enchanting places like Ladakh, Gokarna, Goa, and Pondicherry is sure to captivate their free-spirited nature, based on zodiac signs.

-What are the most adventurous destinations aligned with zodiac signs?

Explore the adventurous side of India in Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Gulmarg, Tarkarli, Kolad, and Coorg. These places offer thrilling activities suitable for all zodiac signs, creating memorable adventures for every traveller who visits.

-What are the best honeymoon destinations based on zodiac signs?

Embark on a romantic journey to honeymoon places tailored to zodiac signs. From the enchanting beauty of Kashmir to the royal charm of Rajasthan, the serene landscapes of Mysore, Ooty, and Coonoor, or the tropical allure of Kerala, these places promise a magical start to marital bliss.

Everything You Need To Know About Castaway Cay, Disney's Private Island cay

Mouse magic meets tropical bliss on Disney Cruise Line’s private island, Castaway Cay. Located in the Bahamas, you can expect Mickey’s white-glove treatment here thanks to Disney’s signature excellence in theming, hospitality, and dining. The picturesque island is home to crystal-clear waters and sparkling white-sand beaches — and only Disney Cruise Line guests can visit.

There’s plenty to do on the island beyond splashing around three swimmable beaches (including an adults-only beach). You can spend the day snorkelling, dining, and even shopping for exclusive merchandise you can only find here, or opt for an excursion like fishing or parasailing. And with a designated kids club on shore, the entire family is guaranteed to have a magical time.

All you need to know about Disney cruise line’s private Island, Castaway Cay

Start planning your Castaway Cay day once you book your Disney cruise. Reservation windows for excursions open 75 to 130 days before your sailing, depending on your Castaway Club membership level.

Ready to learn more? Here’s everything you need to know about visiting Disney’s private island, Castaway Cay.

Getting there

Disney Cruise Line currently has a fleet of five ships. And while itineraries can change year to year, most Disney cruises sailing the Bahamas and Caribbean will include a stop at Castaway Cay. Depending on your ship’s specific itinerary, you can expect to have around eight hours to explore the island during a typical stop.

Visiting Castaway Cay is easy, as guests can simply walk off the ship and onto the island without the need for a tender boat. Once on land, towels and lounge chairs are complimentary (though chairs are available on a first-come, first-served basis so you may want to get there early to snag a prime spot). For those with accessibility concerns, all-terrain wheelchairs are available.

Travelling around the island is a breeze thanks to its tram system that makes several stops near activities, shops, and beaches.

Passports are not needed to visit the island, but you will need to have your stateroom key on hand to return to the ship. You can also use your Key To The World card to purchase drinks and souvenirs on the island.

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Things to do on Castaway Cay

Castaway cay
Image Credit: Disney Cruise Lines

Castaway Cay offers a range of included activities, plus a few special options that require an extra fee. Located off the family beach, In Da Shade Game Pavilion offers — you guessed it — shaded game areas complete with basketball, billiards, and ping pong, plus beach sports like soccer and volleyball.

For fitness enthusiasts, one of the most beloved complimentary activities is the Castaway Cay 5k. Ideal for runners and walkers alike, this is an on-your-own race along winding tropical paths. It isn’t an organised competition, but you will earn an exclusive medal when you finish.

Castaway Ray’s Stingray Adventure is another Disney Cruise Line favorite. This hour-long experience (available for a fee) invites explorers to get up close and personal with 60 stingrays as you feed, pet, and snorkel with these fascinating sea creatures. For an additional fee, you can also book an excursion, including parasailing, sailing, and fishing charters, or rent watercraft.

Image Credit: Matt Stroshane/Disney Cruise Lines

As a Disney Parks fanatic, I love the island’s unique snorkelling experience. Suitable for all levels, the 22-acre snorkelling lagoon offers two trails, including one featuring sunken characters and abandoned theme park ride vehicles, like a submarine from the now-defunct 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea: Submarine Voyage attraction. Equipment rentals are available from Gil’s Fin and Boats and Flippers and Floats. If you want to book several activities, Castaway Cay offers bundle packages that can provide significant savings.

If you’re on the hunt for souvenirs, Castaway Cay’s shops offer beach staples, exclusive Castaway Cay merchandise, and even goods with local flair. Plus, merchandise can be sent directly to your stateroom for the most convenient shopping experience.

Castaway cay
Image Credit: Disney Cruise Lines

For a more luxurious visit, the island offers private cabana rentals; this experience comes with unlimited soda and bottled water, fresh fruit and snacks, sunscreen, and more. Adults can even indulge in a massage (for an extra fee) in a cabana on Serenity Bay.

 Dining on Castaway Cay

Dining is included during your visit to Castaway Cay, and Cookie’s BBQ and Cookie’s Too serve as the island’s two main dining venues. Located near each of the family beaches, these eateries serve up summertime favourites like cheeseburgers, barbecued chicken, fresh salads, and fruit beneath shady pavilions. Disney Cruise Line’s iconic soft serve is also free-flowing here. Serenity Bay BBQ serves similar fare on the adults-only stretch of the island.

For a sweet treat, kids won’t be able to resist Olaf’s Summertime Freeze, home to specialty frozen drinks and must-have keepsake cups. Those of age can find specialty frozen cocktails and more at the island’s four bars: Conched Out, Head’s Up, Sand Bar, and Castaway Air Bar.

Family-friendly activities

Disney character
Image Credit: Kent Phillips/Disney Cruise Lines

Many guests get off the ship and head straight to the island’s two expansive family beaches. My personal favourite is home to Pelican Plunge, a floating waterslide complex that you swim up to. Both beaches offer drink service and are within easy walking distance to dining and shops.

Parents and kids alike will be delighted to know that the island operates youth clubs just like onboard the ships. Kids ages 3-12 can enjoy Scuttle’s Cove, a secure and supervised children’s activity area offering sand castle building, scavenger hunts, and more. Kids must be signed up with the onboard youth club before they visit, and admission is complimentary and offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Island youngsters will especially love Monstro Point, a play area that looks like a giant whale bone excavation site.

Teens ages 14-17 can enjoy their own slice of paradise at the Hideout, while toddlers can splash around at Spring-a-Leak, a splash pad with water features.

For guests ages three and up, bike rentals are a great way to enjoy the island’s natural beauty. There are two nature trails, and you can stop to climb the island’s observation tower, a somewhat remote stop with unspoiled views of Castaway Cay.

Adults-only activities

Castaway cay
Image Credit: Kent Phillips/Disney Cruise Lines

Serenity Bay is the island’s exclusive adults-only beach. It’s the perfect place to relax thanks to plentiful seating, inviting hammocks, and a calmer feel. “Everyone knows Disney cruises are fantastic for families with young kids, but I loved having the option to unwind on a quiet, kid-free stretch of sand at Serenity Bay when I visited Castaway Cay,” shares Elizabeth Rhodes, Travel + Leisure editor. “Available for guests 18+, this beach can be reached via tram; this is also where you’ll find the massage cabanas.”

This adult haven also houses its own dining and bar facilities, Castaway Air Bar and Serenity Bay BBQ, as well as complimentary morning yoga.

Around the island, there’s plenty of adult-centric fun to be had — including at the over-the-water Head’s Up Bar, my personal favourite. Located on a spacious boardwalk at Pelican Point, it offers sweeping views of the ocean and your cruise ship in the distance, making it the ideal place to sample the island’s signature cocktails.

 Tips for visiting

  • Download Disney Cruise Line’s exclusive Navigator app ahead of your cruise. This allows you to browse the island’s activity schedule and communicate with other members of your party.
  • We recommend booking excursions ahead of your cruise; reservation windows open based on Castaway Club membership level, ranging from 75 days to 130 days prior to your sail date.
  • Before you arrive at Castaway Cay, head to your ship’s Port Adventures Desk for the most up-to-date guide on all the activities and excursions available during your visit.
  • To make the most out of my time on the island, I prefer to enjoy an early breakfast on board and head to the island as soon as it opens to guests. Be sure to listen for an announcement about which elevators will take you to the disembarkation level. Arriving early will help you avoid elevator congestion and ensure you can secure a prime oceanside spot to relax.
  •  “Leave the stroller onboard,” shares Jenn Greene, a Disney Cruise Line travel advisor and mom to two daughters who have travelled to the island several times. “When you disembark, there are strollers for use that can be picked up at the tram stop.”
  • Don’t forget your camera. There are photo ops galore throughout Castaway Cay, including fan favourite Mt. Rustmore, the most photographed spot on the island. Plus, you never know where you’ll spot the Disney Fab Five in their paradise attire.
  • Restaurants typically close mid-afternoon, sometimes hours before you have to return to the ship, so be sure to check operating hours.
  • Staying hydrated in the Bahamian sun is critical, and Disney makes it easy with plenty of water stations throughout the island.
  • “Did you know you can mail a postcard from Castaway Cay?” adds Greene. “Located on the way to the beach is the Castaway Cay post office, and yes, it’s real! My kids’ friends were always so excited to get a postcard from this island escape.”
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(Feature image credit: Matt Stroshane/Disney Cruise Lines) 

This story first appeared on

Related: This Bahamas Private Island Is Only Open To Guests Of One Cruise Line

This Is One Of The Best Cruise Destinations In The World For 2024 — And How To See It destination

Fancy encountering a salt-water crocodile, the world’s largest reptile? How about Zodiac-bouncing through rapidly rushing Horizontal Waterfalls – the only ones on the planet? Perhaps you’d like to try stepping into dinosaur footsteps and ogling sacred Aboriginal cave art thought to be among the world’s oldest? Welcome to the Kimberley coast, a wild and remote Western Australia region ready to explode into 2024’s hottest new expedition cruise destination.   

Spread over Australia’s northwest corner, the Kimberley region is about the size of Germany, with a population of 40,000, half of whom are Aboriginal. Its remoteness makes it one of the world’s last wilderness frontiers, with more adventure-keen cruisers just now discovering it.

Until recently, Australian lines, like True North and Coral Expeditions, catered nearly exclusively to Aussie travellers. Now a growing number of expedition ships popular with Americans sail this riveting Kimberley route between Australia’s Broome and Darwin, usually from May or June until September. Some lines, like Seabourn and Scenic, will debut new vessels on this route in 2024.

Maybe you’ve sailed the Poles, or perhaps you’re seeking a different unspoiled locale delivering rip-roaring adventure and endemic wildlife – that’s not, well, freezing. Here, the Kimberley expedition cruises to book in the coming year.

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Here’s how you can take a trip to the cruise destination of 2024

Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic

Cruise destination
Image Credit: Ralph Lee Hopkins/Courtesy of Lindblad Expeditions

On 102-passenger National Geographic Orion, Lindblad Expeditions-National Geographic offers an atypical 16-day Kimberley sail by cruising between Broome and Bali, Indonesia, rather than just between Broome and Darwin, in May, June, and July 2024. Beyond tempting travellers with the Kimberley’s peerless sights, this itinerary includes snorkelling on paradisical Satonda Island, Indonesia; meeting local ikat weaving experts at Sumba Island, Indonesia; and hiking in Komodo National Park, where Komodo dragons, the world’s largest lizards, roam.

On this elegant, rather clubby-vibing ship purpose-built for the region, relish plenty of deck space for viewing birds and marine life. Naturalists helm all outings and the 14 Zodiacs; don’t miss a ride on a glass-bottom one. Expeditions from USD 16,577 (INR 13,81,108) per person can be booked at


Image Credit: Nick Rains/Courtesy of PONANT

This posh French line commences its 2024 Kimberley season in April, on board 184-passenger Le Lapérouse and 184-passenger Le Jacques-Cartier. Ponant offers an 11-day sail between Broome and Darwin, with 13 voyages for English-speaking passengers. Among adventuresome outings offered, a panoramic flight over the Bungle Bungle Range, an undulating marvel of grey and ochre-striped sandstone domes created by more than 20 million years of erosion. Both vessels exude a chic French design (pack a silk scarf for dinner) and embrace sophisticated cuisine. Even if these voyages are for English-speaking passengers, they do showcase French fare – breakfast croissants are a marvel. The Blue Eye lounge, located below the water line for viewing marine life, is a must-see. Expeditions from USD 9,860 (INR 8,21,483) per person can be booked at


Cruise destination
Image Credit: Edward Haylan/Shutterstock/Courtesy of Silversea Cruises

Scenic Eclipse II, an all-suite luxury vessel offering butler service and 10 dining experiences, begins its foray into the Kimberley with 11-day sails between Darwin and Broome from May through August 2024. Chill out with onboard pampering in-between adrenalin-driven excursions, like boarding the ship’s helicopters and hovering over the horizontal falls. Or, hike on Jar Island to the Gwion rock paintings to view what may be the Earth’s oldest art gallery. This rock art dates back to the last ice age and depicts exquisitely detailed mystical figures sporting elaborate headdresses. At the Lacepede Islands Nature Reserve, some 18,000 pairs of brown-footed boobies and other awesome wildlife, like thousands of migrating humpback whales, await. Expeditions from USD 12,108 (INR 10,08,774) per person can be booked at


The 264-passenger Seabourn Pursuit, which debuted this past summer, makes its Kimberley splash in June 2024 with six 10-day voyages between Darwin and Broome. This luxury expedition ship, twin to Seabourn Venture, employs 24 Zodiacs and a 24-person expedition team for deep Kimberley immersions. Gawk at the Aboriginal artwork of the Wandjina, thought to be more than 17,000 years old, in Vinsittart Bay. Zodiac to Montgomery Reef, Australia’s largest inland reef, formed nearly 2 billion years ago. Its cascading waterfalls, formed as the reef drains during low tide, ripple up from the ocean into hundreds of mini-waterfalls to surround you. Back on board, relive the day’s delights with unlimited complimentary Regiis Ova caviar. Expeditions from USD 10,999 (INR 9,16,378) per person can be booked at


Image Credit: Silversea Cruises

The 254-passenger (sailing this trip with only 200) Silver Cloud explores the region with 10-day sails between Broome and Darwin from June into early August. With 20 Zodiacs and 10 kayaks, all passengers can adventure at once. Luxe line Silversea — a pioneer in championing the Kimberley to an international audience since 2014 — has regional thrills down pat. Cruise the Ord River, eyeing fruit bats, short-eared rock wallabies and freshwater crocodiles. Zodiac-cruise to the 260-foot twin King George Falls, among Australia’s tallest. (Hands in boat, please; those saltwater crocs are aggressive carnivores.)  On board the all-suite vessel, black-tie-clad butlers attend to all passengers, happily delivering complimentary Ars Italica caviar and Champagne. Four primo restaurants deliver exquisite fine dining despite the frontier environment outside. Expeditions from USD 8,250 (INR 6,87,346) per person can be booked at

This story first appeared on

(Feature Image Credit: Nick Rains/Courtesy of PONANT)

The currency conversion was done at the time of writing

Related: This New 140-day Luxury Cruise Sails To 37 Countries Around The World

TL Exclusive: Shivan & Narresh's Spirited Journey To Glenmorangie Distillery and House Distillery and House

Designers Shivan & Narresh, known for their bold yet culture-forward designs, visited the Glenmorangie Distillery and House in Scotland earlier this year. In a freewheeling chat with Travel+Leisure India & South Asia ahead of a special launch, they talk about their journey to the highlands, the shared ideology with Glenmorangie, and finding renewed appreciation for the golden liquid.

In May this year, designer duo Shivan & Narresh visited the Glenmorangie Distillery and House in Tain, Scotland. The distillery, situated in the Scottish Highlands, is nearly 180 years old. The duo not only traced its longstanding history, but also understood the brand’s legacy and sustainability practices.

Visiting Glenmorangie Distillery and House

The Glenmorangie Distillery
The Glenmorangie Distillery is located amidst Scottish highlands in Tain.

Talking about the distillery’s spectacular location, Shivan says, “We didn’t know what to expect. But we were surprised to find out how charming and beautiful it was. I felt as if we were sitting in somebody’s living room and cherishing the views while enjoying the drink,” adding, “It was our first time at a distillery that makes the most beautiful scotch in the whole world. The whole experience—the story, process, and tasting—was eye-opening. And what was interesting for us was the ideology behind making scotch.”

designer duo
The designer duo make a pitstop during their journey.

Apart from understanding whisky making, the duo also partook in various other activities such as tasting and mixology sessions, elaborate dinners with whisky and wine pairings, and drives around the area. And unsurprisingly, each of them had their personal favourites. For Narresh, it was the evening mixology session. “Going to the distillery was like going through a time machine. One evening they put together a beautiful tent, where we made our cocktails. There were raisins, apricots, dates, honey, cinnamon, and other spices that resonated with scotch.”

For Shivan, it was the fact that they could taste the whisky from the year he was born. “It was phenomenal to taste a Glenmorangie whisky created in 1985. Where else in the world can you taste a 37-year-old whisky? At cocktail hour, we made our favourite Glenmorangie cocktails. You never think of scotch when you think of cocktails but the aromas and flavour possibilities with Glenmorangie were fantastic,” he says.

Beyond The Spirits

Glenmorangie Distillery and House
The duo raises a toast outside the distillery’s innovation centre.

The duo is widely renowned in the home country for creating designs rooted in culture but forward in approach. So, did the highlands serve as a design inspiration? “At Glenmorangie House, there were beautiful, palm-sized tulips, and kilometres of beautiful yellow flowers near the sea,” says Shivan who goes on to add, “There is something in the works that will be announced soon.”

Shivan and Narresh
Shivan and Narresh in conversation with Dr Bill Lumsden, head of distilling and whisky creation, Glenmorangie.

Narresh was blown away by the minimalism. “The land was very minimalistic. There were beautiful grasslands and soft curves where the distillery was situated. What stood out was the flavours in the mouth that gave you a vivid technicolour imagination upon tasting a drink. Although what we are creating with Glenmorangie is still a secret, the flavours of the drinks and the celebration it creates in the mouth are the base.”

Tasting whisky
The duo in the middle of a tasting session.

The duo and Glenmorangie share a similar ideology when it comes to sustainability. “Sustainability is nothing but consuming less and consuming right,” says Shivan. “It is being mindful of consumption. For instance, we use 97 per cent ocean waste to make our swimsuits, that’s one way of being sustainable. We care about where our textiles come from, the base of the textile, and where the yarn comes from. Glenmorangie is a company that is mindful of where the water comes from, how it’s processed, how it’s used, and where it goes after that. When you see this whole process, you begin to understand how careful they are and how passionate they are about what they create. And these are some of the things that coincide with our company,” concludes Narresh.

Related: Glenmorangie And T+L India’s Rivaayat Celebrated The Confluence Of The Old And The New

This 'Air Cruise' Takes You To 5 Continents In A Private Jet With Lie-Flat Seats And A Bar cruise

Looking for an exclusive around-the-world trip? Luxury French tour operator Safrans du Monde has you covered. The company just announced its 2024 World Tour Special Edition, set to begin in Paris on March 10, 2024. It will take guests to nine of the most stunning city and beach destinations around the globe in 24 days in its luxurious air cruise.

Air Cruise itinerary

Guests will first jet off to Mexico City for a three-night stay to explore its neighbourhoods, landmarks (such as the floating gardens of Xochimilco and the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe), and beautiful architecture. Then, they will go to Hawaii and tour Honolulu and the Big Island in 48 hours. The air cruise continues in gorgeous Fiji for a Melanesian journey through its culture, customs, and picture-perfect landscapes.

New Zealand, Australia, and Tasmania are next, where travellers will immerse themselves in Indigenous Māori culture and wander otherworldly sites like Perth’s Wave Rock and Pinnacles Desert.

After a quick two-day stop in Singapore, guests will take a few days to relax on the beautiful beaches of the Maldives before ending the trip with a safari in Tanzania.

Air Cruise
Image Credit: Safrans du Monde

“Our ‘2024 World Tour Special Edition Air Cruise’ is all about fostering exceptional moments for guests,” said Guy Bigiaoui, the president of Safrans du Monde, in a press release. “As passengers explore the incredible destinations and enjoy their customised itinerary, they are given the chance to discover a diversity of landscapes and civilisations across the world, all while receiving the highest standards of private aviation service while on board.”

That private aviation service happens on an Airbus A340 that will take guests on this journey of a lifetime. The plane’s cabin is equipped with reclining seats transforming into lie-flat beds, and guests are treated to drinks and multi-course meals prepared by a private chef. And if that’s not enough, there’s even a bar on board offering a curated list of wines, Champagne, and cocktails.

All-inclusive air cruise rates start at EUR 75,000 (INR 68,15,700) per person, but the itinerary can be tailored with two additional destinations (Paris and Rwanda) or other experiences. The rate also includes stays at some of the most luxurious hotels in the world, including the Four Seasons, St. Regis, Ritz-Carlton, Six Senses, and Fairmont.

This is not Safrans du Monde’s first air cruise. In 2022, the company teamed up with business-class-only airline La Compagnie on a similar tour, and just a few days ago, guests returned from a 22-day private jet cruise that took them to destinations like Jordan, French Polynesia, Cambodia, and India.

To book your trip, visit or call +33-1-4878-7151. 

This story first appeared on

(Main and Feature Image Credit: Safrans du Monde)

Related: This Luxury Cruise Line Just Added 164 New Itineraries — Including A 54-Night World Cruise

Silent/Sound SAFARI: A Look At The Sensory Journey Through Jaisalmer's Panorama Editions Editions

Travel+Leisure India & South Asia attended the third edition of Panorama Editions, an artistic endeavour curated by artist and filmmaker Sarah Singh, hosted at the Mool Sagar Palace and Fort Museum by Maharawal Chaitanya Raj Singh of Jaisalmer. This edition was nothing short of a sensory delight, bringing together the creative forces of 20 embassies to explore the aura of serene silence that envelops the desert region. 

On November 3, 2023, the third Panorama Editions was unveiled at the Mool Sagar Palace, the ancestral summer palace of the royal family of Jaisalmer. The event was an intimate gathering, graciously hosted by Maharawal Chaitanya Raj Singh and Queen Mother Raseshwari Rajya Laxmi, alongside the founder of Panorama Editions, Sarah Singh, and her collaborator for this year, Siddhaant Mohta. Drawing inspiration from a profound sound experience etched in her memory from the Jaisalmer desert in 1992, this year artist Sarah Singh brought the concept of Silent/Sound SAFARI to life.

Experiencing Silence at Jaisalmer’s Panorama Editions

Panorama Editions

Under a starry desert sky, dimly lit by tea lights and lanterns at the grand Mool Sagar Palace, a select group of guests and art enthusiasts, including Travel+Leisure India & South Asia, were treated to a glimpse of the artist’s vision. We saw a live art installation inspired by a photograph and a theatrical work that portrayed intricate relationships within the palace’s ancient stepwell. The use of sound and silence was intrinsic to this captivating experience.

The following day marked a historic moment, as the 12th-century Fort Palace Museum opened its doors to host a contemporary art exhibition alongside its permanent collection. With support from nearly 20 embassies and arts organisations, Singh curated a diverse range of artworks, serving as a showcase for the salon’s central theme of Sound as an art and experience.

Silent/Sound SAFARI

Titled Silent/Sound SAFARI, this exhibition invites visitors on a journey through a diverse audio landscape. It features field recordings from Mexico, a rhythmic black-and-white German film, distant sounds of an imaginary land from Sweden, and the profound silence evoked by climate change in India.

Picture yourself wandering through the quiet corridors of the 800-year-old Jaisalmer Fort Museum, the only living fort in the world. As you explore, you’ll be serenaded by the sounds of a passing train, the cheerful conversations of two Mexican men, or the resonating bells of a distant cathedral. These auditory experiences transport you to Mexico, contrasting vividly with the physical surroundings.

In another captivating moment, as you open an ancient door within the Fort, you’ll step into a room filled with storage vessels crafted from camel skin many years ago. Here, a film accompanied by playful music by modernist artist Len Lye from New Zealand will instantly engage your senses, contrasting solemnity with playful vibrancy.

Beyond The Exhibition

Silent/Sound SAFARI

The highlight of this artistic journey was an international public concert held on November 4 against the backdrop of the Jaisalmer Fort. The event featured a mesmerising performance by Monika Lakatos and her band; their Hungarian Gypsy music resonated through the venue, captivating the hearts of all in attendance — including us!

To close this evening with a bang, the audience was treated to the India premiere of one of Europe’s most acclaimed music collectives, Den Sorte Skole from Denmark. Making their debut performance in India, Den Sorte Skole collaborated with the renowned lighting design team Vertigo to present a work of art titled Ghosts and Robots. This audio-visual masterpiece painted the night with a symphony of sights and sounds, leaving an indelible impression on everyone fortunate enough to be part of this momentous occasion.

Panorama Editions,

By interweaving global and local sounds, this year’s Panorama Editions, curated by artist Sarah Singh, promises a sensory journey that will run until December at the Fort Museum in Jaisalmer. What makes this event even more special is that certain parts of the Fort, previously inaccessible to the public, have been opened for this occasion, offering a unique experience for art and architecture enthusiasts.

Silent/Sound SAFARI is an immersive, culturally rich, and artistically stimulating event that will captivate the senses and leave an indelible impression on all who have the privilege of participating.

Related: Explore The Best Of Jaisalmer In 48 Hours With This Handy Guide

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

— What are the dates for Panorama Editions 2023, held at Mool Sagar Palace and Fort Museum?
November 4, 2023 to December 4, 2023.

— How can one reach Mool Sagar Palace and Fort Museum, Jaisalmer?
Jaisalmer Airport (JSA) is the main airport in Jaisalmer. It is a domestic airport and is situated almost 13 km from the city centre. Upon landing, various local cabs can help you reach the venue. 

— Where can I stay in Jaisalmer?
Jaisalmer Marriott Resort & Spa offers a luxurious and comfortable stay.

Cosmic Unions: Picking The Perfect Wedding Destination Based On Your Zodiac Sign wedding zodiac

Starting the journey of a lifetime with your beloved deserves a setting as unique and extraordinary as your love story. And what if the stars could guide you to the perfect wedding destination, tailored to the essence of your zodiac sign?

They say marriages are made in heaven, but it is up to us to find our soulmate and, if lucky, get married to them. Because destiny plays such a significant role in meeting ‘the one’, love and luck go hand in hand. It is believed that planetary positions and lines on one’s birth chart predict one’s love life and marriage. Just like time, the place or location of the native plays a crucial role in bringing them closer to the love of their life. Planning to take one step further and opt for a destination wedding? Let your zodiac sign guide you through the enchanting possibilities that align the stars with your dream wedding destination.

How do zodiac signs influence your wedding destinations?

destination wedding zodiac
Image credit: Amish Thakkar/Unsplash

A deep dive into the realm of travel astrology reveals that every location carries its unique energy or vibration, impacting individuals positively or negatively. Astrology suggests that relocating can alter a person’s destiny, potentially leading them to meet their soulmate, marry and settle down if the new location aligns with their progress and well-being.

Choosing a particular destination for the wedding is believed to guarantee a ‘happily ever after’ for the couple. While the natal chart can accurately indicate the ideal wedding location, examining the zodiac signs is an excellent starting point.

Each zodiac possesses specific traits based on its ruling planets, elements and interactions with other signs. Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are rooted in the practical world, often opting for grand celebrations on their wedding day. Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), on the other hand, are more emotional, choosing a destination with sentimental value for themselves and their partners. And fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) embrace the moment, exuding spontaneity and fun. They closely follow trends and want their wedding day to be the talk of the town!

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Wedding destinations based on your zodiac sign

Aries – Las Vegas

wedding zodiac
Image credit: Pixabay/Pexels

Nothing screams Aries more than Vegas! With its luxury hotels, brightly lit streets and flamboyant casinos, it’s Vegas, baby! This fire sign, ruled by the ram, lives by the philosophy: Go big or go home. Their vibrant energy matches perfectly with this flashy city, making it an ideal destination to exchange vows.

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Taurus – Lake Como

wedding zodiac
Image credit: Gil Garza/Pexels

Tranquil, unhurried and away from urban hustle and bustle, Lake Como in Italy is the perfect place for the indulgent Taureans to get married. Ruled by the planet of love and money, Venus, this sign loves to splurge on everything luxe, so why should their wedding ceremony be any different? This earth sign, denoted by the celestial bull, appreciates exclusive and exquisite experiences and would prefer to walk down the aisle in this dreamy European lakeside town.

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Gemini – Goa

Image credit: Asad Photo/Pexels

Adventurous and full of colourful ideas, Gemini, an air sign denoted by the twins, is ruled by the planet of communication, Mercury. Branded as social butterflies of the zodiac, Geminis are curious explorers who want to experience everything life has to offer. Why shouldn’t their wedding have this vibrant vibe? The coast of Goa in Maharashtra, India, known for its sun, sand, surf, and seafood, offers the perfect canvas for their fun-filled beach wedding activities.

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Cancer – Maldives

wedding zodiac
Image credit: Asad Photo/Pexels

This Crustacean sign cherishes domesticity and is the most sensitive, empathetic and romantic of all signs. Craving emotional intimacy from their partner, Cancers aren’t fans of flamboyance when it comes to celebrating their weddings. The crabs like to keep it private, making the emerald-green island of Maldives the ideal destination for their special day.

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Leo – Udaipur

destination wedding
Image credit: Sohan Rayguru/Pexels

Royal and aristocratic in their bearing, Leos, a fire sign denoted by the lion, love attention and adore exuberance. Ruled by the sun, they are beacons of positivity and want to make sure that everyone around them has a good time. Thanks to their regal disposition, the palace of Udaipur seems to be best suited for them to get married.

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Virgo – Venice

Image credit: Pixabay/Pexels

This marble city built on a lagoon in Europe is sure to impress the fastidious and detail-oriented earth sign denoted by the virgin or maiden. Governed by Mercury, Virgos are careful communicators who plan meticulously. They would go to any length to make sure they have a perfect wedding, and Venice provides the enchanting backdrop for their meticulous celebrations.

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Libra – Paris

Image credit: Dimitri Kuliuk/Pexels

This Venusian sign loves everything romantic, beautiful and stylish. Paris, the capital of love, serves as the perfect backdrop for Librans to celebrate togetherness. Symbolised by a weighing scale, this air sign likes to wear its heart on its sleeve, and this stylish city offers them an opportunity to do just that and have a dream wedding!

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Scorpio – Morocco

Image credit: Louis Hansel/Pexels

This water sign always tends to aim for the unconventional. Unafraid to go against the tide and often a trendsetter rather than a follower, Scorpios, while misunderstood for their intensity, are loyalists who would go to any lengths for their love. This ancient African city, with its epic history and rich topography, serves as an offbeat but great destination for the Scorpion to get married.

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Sagittarius – Cape Town

wedding zodiac
Image credit: Tobias Reich/Unsplash

This naturally bountiful location offers adventure and is a melting pot of cultures, exciting the thrill-seeking mind of this fire sign. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarians are inherently bitten by the travel bug and hate stagnation. Cape Town is the happiest, sunniest place for them to say ‘I Do’.

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Capricorn – London

wedding destination zodiac
Image credit: Samuel Wölfl/Pexels

The capital of art, culture and diversity, London is one of the greatest cities in the world. It can serve as a great destination for this serious earth sign ruled by the planet of rules and regulation, Saturn. They like to keep things in order and are very disciplined in all aspects of life. Hence, this historic and royal destination is well-suited to their needs.

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Aquarius – Koh Samui

wedding travel
Image credit: Oleksandr P/Pexels

The last of the air signs, Aquarius is one of the most intelligent of all signs. They love to think about the community more than just themselves and are selfless and pragmatic in their disposition. Koh Samui in Thailand offers them a chance to have a green celebration closer to nature with the local community of this island.

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Pisces – Munnar

wedding zodiac
Image credit: Harsh Sutar/Pexels

Peaceful, meditative and a little detached from reality, Pisces, denoted by the twin fish, is always in a state of zen. Nothing compares to the tranquil beauty of the backwaters in Munnar, Kerala. Gorgeous sunsets, green vistas and azure waters form a perfect backdrop for this sign to walk down the aisle.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

-Is it essential to follow my zodiac sign when selecting a wedding destination?

Though not necessary, it is helpful to look at your zodiac sign while deciding on a wedding destination, as it will affect you positively and ensure that you get that happily ever after!

-Can you provide examples of destination wedding locations based on zodiac signs?

Aries are likely to choose a more vibrant place like Las Vegas due to their fiery and passionate disposition, Cancerians tend to go for something peaceful like The Maldives, while Leos prefer something flamboyant like Paris. 

-How can I determine my ideal destination wedding location based on my zodiac sign?

Checking your zodiac sign is the first thing you can do if you want to take some inputs from astrology to plan your wedding. The element governing your sun sign, its ruling planet and general disposition could help you decide on a wedding destination. 

-Are there specific locations that are universally recommended for certain zodiac signs?

While astrology broadly suggests certain destinations based on personality traits associated with zodiac signs, there are no universally recommended places.

-What if my partner’s zodiac sign and mine suggest different destination locations?

In such cases, multiple options are typically provided for the ideal wedding destination. Partners can collaboratively choose a few common places based on the compatibility indicated by their horoscopes.

-Is it just about the wedding venue, or can zodiac signs influence other wedding choices, such as colours and themes?

Certainly. Each zodiac sign is associated with a lucky colour, gemstone, and more. Considering zodiac signs can play a role in deciding wedding themes and colours.

-Are there any specific zodiac signs that are considered particularly compatible for destination weddings?

Sagittarius and Gemini could be deemed highly compatible for destination weddings. Sagittarius, a fire sign ruled by the adventurous planet Jupiter, pairs well with Gemini, the social butterfly known for curiosity and a spirit of exploration.

Related: Why Destination Weddings Are Becoming Full-On Group Vacations — And What Guests Should Know Before They Go

(Hero and featured image credit: Christian Diaz/Unsplash)

Stars, Signs And Romance: Navigating Love On Your Holiday With Travel Astrology astrology

If you have always dreamt of finding your love and life partner while travelling, here are a few travel astrology signs to look for in your natal chart, considering your birth date and time.

Astocartography is a branch that specialises in relocation or travel astrology. It is believed that every place has a distinct vibration, and it influences an individual’s love life, luck and fortune. The birth chart of a person serves as a tool to decipher their future, and the lines on it can be used to predict whether they will be lucky in love or if they will venture abroad for studies or settlement.

Travel astrology and love

astrology for travel
Image credit: Timo Stern/Unsplash

Travel and love share a strong connection and often go hand in hand. Popular culture has made it aspirational to fall in love with someone special or to connect with a foreigner while travelling. Though this idea seems appealing, it is difficult to sustain a holiday romance. Having said that, some people are destined to meet their life partners in the unlikeliest of circumstances or places.

In astrology, Venus, associated with love and money, plays a critical role in understanding one’s romantic life. The position of Jupiter is also important in determining if one will find love while travelling. This planet denotes adventure, thrill and personal growth. The celestial luminaries in a birth chart should not be overlooked either, as the sun is believed to bring positivity, while the moon rules the inner thoughts and emotions of a person.

Your sun sign is also important in determining whether you will find love while travelling or not. For example, the fire sign of Sagittarius is typically associated with travel and is, therefore, more likely to find love while away from home, according to travel astrology.

Travel astrology: Signs you will find love while travelling

Venus and the ninth house

travel zodiac signs
Image credit: Alberto Ramírez Sobrino/Pexels

The ninth house in one’s natal chart signifies travel and is crucial to understanding matters related to it. If Venus is placed in the ninth house, it is a strong indicator that you’re likely to find the love of your life while travelling or your partner may hail from a faraway land. This placement also indicates higher education, meaning you might meet someone special when studying abroad.

This placement symbolises that your partner would likely have a stable income and may work in sectors like technology, law or politics.

The seventh and the ninth house

The seventh house rules relationships, while the ninth house pertains to travel. If you want to determine whether you will have a long-term connection with the partner you are destined to meet while touring, you need to examine the aspects between these two houses. The ruling planets of both houses and the angles at which they are positioned from each other will determine the kind of relationship you are likely to have.

In astrology, there are five major aspects: conjunction, sextile, square, trine and opposition. If you find a sextile or trine aspect between the ruling planets of these two houses, it’s a positive indication of a long-term, happy partnership with the person you meet during your travels.

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Venus, Jupiter and Mars

travel astrology
Image credit: ZCH/Pexels

If Venus and Jupiter are placed together in the 11th and 15th houses, it means luck in the travel and love sector for the individual. Additionally, having Jupiter in the seventh house is considered auspicious for those looking for romance while travelling.

Mars, associated with sexual desire and aggression, takes on particular significance in the ninth house of the birth chart. If Mars is positioned there, it strongly suggests the likelihood of forming a romantic connection while travelling.

The moon and the sun

Individuals with their moon sign as the dreamy and meditative fish, Pisces are said to be very lucky in matters of love. It indicates that their emotional world is ruled by Neptune (the planet of dreams and desires) and Jupiter (the planet of adventure), increasing the chances of falling in love while moving around or vacationing.

Similarly, having the sun in the ninth house also indicates a high probability of the individual falling in love with someone while away from home.

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(Hero and featured image credit:  Karsten Winegeart/Unsplash)

Related: Who Is Your Ultimate Travel Partner As Per Zodiac For A Romantic Holiday?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

– What are the best places to meet potential partners while travelling?
Tourist-friendly places, like London, Paris, Italy and Las Vegas, are great to meet new people.

– How can I stay safe while dating during my travels?
Using safety apps and always informing your friends and family about your whereabouts can help ensure your safety while dating on the go.

– What are the advantages of finding love while travelling?
Building a connection while travelling is great because it allows you to open up to your love interest without preconceived notions or reservations. Moreover, both partners can continue to explore new adventures by travelling together in a relationship.

– How can I make a long-distance relationship work if I meet someone while travelling?
Maintaining a successful long-distance relationship requires commitment, patience and open communication from both parties. Keeping the lines of communication open is essential.

– Are there any cultural considerations I should be aware of when dating someone from a different country while travelling?
Cultural differences can be a point of contention, but these can be resolved through managing expectations and maintaining open communication with each other.

– What if I’m not looking for a serious relationship while travelling, but still want to meet people and have fun?
It’s important to communicate your intentions clearly with your potential partner before proceeding with your plans.

– Can finding love while travelling lead to a lasting and meaningful relationship?
Yes, finding love while travelling can indeed lead to a lasting relationship, especially if it’s destined to be.
